Daily Report - Nov 10, 2019
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Hiatused Has Warnings don't you mess with a little girl's dreams
Boogey Nausicaa imagines herself a hero
Fulmination 677 9 11:18 AM
Complete Has Warnings mixed with the lightning of slaughter
fate meets ellie
Fulmination 7777 32 11:18 AM
Hiatused Has Warnings degrees of mastery
Elodea gets dumped into a world that's inappropriately appropriate to her curse
Sandboxes 140 1 11:07 AM
Hiatused Has Warnings a false face and a good line
Jamie does the Thieves Guild
Guardian Stones 305 4 8:29 AM
Abandoned the moment you've been waiting for
A boon for a favour
Sandboxes 338 76 7:53 AM
Abandoned is it necessary, is it kind
Isabella summons an alethiometer and it comes with a surprise
Sandboxes 727 6 7:52 AM
Hiatused Has Warnings there is also opportunity
Shift!Fenris in AA
Mercurous 1100 42 7:37 AM
Hiatused Has Warnings and the stance of the sea
demigod Erin in Murune
Sandboxes 334 9 3:37 AM
Hiatused Has Warnings looking up I will depart
Space-age Murune opens a portal to Psion
Sandboxes 68 7 3:26 AM
Hiatused that i am stuck in this human form
A Luehmani and a Rianchimaru in Boyfriend Dungeon
Sandboxes 673 2 2:01 AM
Hiatused Has Warnings only fear and good judgment holding us back
Chris objected to Valerie's skills as a slave and felt he would do better
Sandboxes 317 118 12:28 AM
Hiatused Has Warnings you gave me nothing at all
cam meets some fastfairies and the thread authors take no position on the presence of an adorable romance arc
Sandboxes 3856 21 12:26 AM
Hiatused Has Warnings some only had hearts that were brave and true
in which karen teller saves expat fairy celegorm from zombies
Sandboxes 2482 43 12:03 AM
Total: 38