An Edie and Elves in Middle-Earth
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"I don't know if the thing I'm currently working on will ultimately result in a successful resurrection, but it seems likely, and I anticipate being able to do it eventually."


"Okay. In the meantime - if you were the person I knew and loved and wanted to keep productive and not dead, we'd prod you into sleeping, for your own good, once a week, and we'd bring food you could eat while working three times a day. Is that the right way to help out?"


"...Humans need more sleep than that, but the general idea is sound."


"Great. In that case you're going upstairs with me to refurbish the bedrooms here if that's a thing your magic can do and then rest - we'll wake you - and in the meantime we'll come up with more needed tasks."


"Yeah, I can do that. --Thank you."


"Support team for people who need to not run themselves into the ground while they become powerful enough to solve all problems is, like, one of our core areas of expertise. You landed in the right place. Bedrooms. We'll house refugees here if the war ever gets bad enough up north. Fix the curtains if you want the light to wake you."


So she goes and finds a bedroom and refurbishes it and doesn't fix the curtains.

She lies awake for a while before she manages to sleep, missing her parents.


They don't sleep. They're Elves.

Amrod sits there, motionless, thinking. 

Celegorm cooks a lot of food and then comes up with a list of magic tasks for someone you're trying to steer out of killing herself and then goes outside and runs laps around the castle in the mud. Next time he will ask her to also fly Huan, even if Huan is disinterested.


Odette doesn't get out of bed immediately when she wakes up.

Everything's awful and she can only do damage control, really, even killing this fucker is only going to keep him from making things worse, not fix anything he's already ruined.

One of the things she actually could fix she's refusing to (although she supposes that's not really relevant until she manages to get the twin back, but still) and everything's terrible and she can't fix it--

She has a brief crying jag beneath the covers, wishing her sister was physically there to offer a shoulder.

They said they would send someone for her.

She dries her tears, rolls over and pretends to still be asleep.


He can hear her, obviously.

How fast do Men reach the appearance of adulthood? She's probably not yet 30.

He does another lap around the castle, then heads in and leaves mud everywhere and finds the relevant bedroom and walks in. "I have a dog. I've been missing him. Suppose we can fly back north, pick him up, and then fix things? Dogs are great. Extra pair of eyes, shoulder to lean on, things like that."


"Dogs are nice," she agrees. "There aren't very many of them on Genosha but I've gotten along with the ones I've met."


"Great. Can you clear a pass between mountains? There are Men living on the other side and they have to travel south a long ways to reach the only pass through the eastern ones. I thought if that's the sort of thing you can do, we could do it this morning, once we have my dog."


"Sure. Shouldn't be much harder than bubbling the spiders."


"More mass, less delicacy. Though if you wanted to do the whole thing in pretty glass I'm sure everyone'd be delighted. Oh, and I brought breakfast."


"Delicacy is often, though not always, more of a restraining factor than mass." She accepts breakfast and begins eating.


"Convenient. We have the opposite problem."


"Magic is a pretty confounding factor in that respect."


"Maedhros says he's training a hundred people to use your abilities and he wants the offensive for Angband to be in a decade, maybe fifteen years. Is that fast enough for them to get good with this stuff?"


"How hard is he training them? Back home the pace for this kind of thing was deliberately gentle, people were supposed to learn how to get the most result out of the least magic use, not actively try to get stronger with magic. A decade will almost certainly get them at least as strong as my sister is now--maybe as strong as I am now, if they really push it. If there's a hundred of them...I think it boils down to how strong is Angband, which I still don't know.


"I wouldn't expect Maedhros to underestimate it." He frowns. "Maybe 20 years. Time makes the Enemy stronger, too."


"Damn. Can't say I'm surprised, to be honest."


"I'm gonna wait on your cue to get moving, unless you'd rather I not do that, because I don't know how much you can handle."


"Right. I think I remember the way back to your place, but do let me know if I'm off course."




Then they can fly back to his place. She...doesn't manage to muffle the sonic boom as well on the outside as on the inside. She should work on that.

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