An Edie and Elves in Middle-Earth
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"Too far?"


"Unaided, yes, but I wasn't expecting unaided to work anyway, that was just to see if I could get any useful information." She sits down cross-legged on one side of the deer and indicates for the twin to sit down on the other side. "Um, fair warning, if this works this thing is going to turn into your brother, and if it doesn't it might turn into something that looks a lot like his corpse or it might turn into a horrific hybrid of the two."


He nods. "Understood."


"Can you osanwe me any differences between the two of you that might become relevant when I'm reconstructing the body?"


And he does. A scar on the tip of his finger from when they were nine, slightly different shades of reddish hair, he was usually a little stronger...


She is going to get him back if it's the last thing she does--

Calm down, Odette.

She closes her eyes and breathes in and out steadily.

They're twins, she all but begs the world. It's wrong. They shouldn't be apart. Help me. Help me help them. And she wraps her thoughts around the person sitting across from her, and reaches out--

She coaxes it for a long time.

It's not quite enough.

"I'm going to try reconstructing his body now, see if that helps," she announces after a few hours.




And the deer's corpse slowly morphs into an elf corpse, or at least something that looks like one.

It's approaching dawn when Odette says, "I'm not getting anywhere with this iteration. Is there something magic I could do for a few hours? Clear my head, get a bit more training in?"


"Paint the castle?" says the living twin son of Fëanor. "Repair the road? I don't know what you do."


"Repair the road works--is there anything else useful to be done, if I can't do it I'll just say so."


"Defeat the enemy," they both say simultaneously. Amrod continues. "Double the stores of food, reinforce the walls of this fortress against magical attack, go to Estolad where Men live and cure them of all their Mannish ailments -"


"Defeating the Enemy is rather a longer-term project than a few hours, I don't know about doubling but I can increase them some, I don't know what kinds of magical attack the Enemy has but I can reinforce the walls in general, and how far is Estolad?"


"Not far, at the speed you fly."


"Which direction? And have they been informed of my existence, at all; it seems like absent the information that the flying person is foreign and extremely helpful I might be met with alarm."


"They're not ours, they just asked if they could make some of our territory into an independent Mannish country and we said sure. I don't think they have security of any kind, though." He points in the right direction. "They'll probably think you're a god. I know someone who lets them because it saves time."


"I have less than no desire to be seen as a god but even less desire than that to abandon people in need of healing. I will see you when I get back for another try." And then she flies off to heal some people.


They stare at each other."I'm sorry."


"She might be crazy enough, you know."



She finds the place and she heals a lot of people and she de-ages several and she gets a handful working on basic exercises.

And then she comes back.






You know, I've known people who've tried this approach to problem solving, and now they are dead. Just letting you know."


"What approach to problem solving?"


"The one where you don't sleep and don't rest and try to batter the problem into the ground with sheer brilliance and talent and force of will."

"There's a mortal saying," says Amrod, "'I used to hear people cry out in prayer and be angry with God. Now I hear people cry out in prayer and I am angry that I'm not yet God.' Always reminded me of Father."


"Ah." Considering her recent resolution and...everything, that sounds frighteningly accurate. "I'll try one more time, and if it doesn't work I'll get some sleep and then...go back to doing other useful things for a while. And I'll come back again when I think I've made enough progress for it to be worth another try. I'm not giving up on this."


"It's no big deal, we can be patient," Celegorm says, though it sounds a touch insincere. Amrod doesn't say anything.

They settle in for one more try.


She manages to stretch her reach a little bit farther, but it's still not enough.


"You think you'll get there eventually?"

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