An Edie and Elves in Middle-Earth
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Tell him that when I offered to try with anyone else besides Feanor, the first person Celegorm suggested was Fingon's sister.


He wants to know if you can do that.


Tell him that I haven't tried yet because I'm dealing with spider-related problems but my first try is going to be the person with the living identical twin because that sounds much easier, but she's second on the list.


And a bit after that has been done, Illia sends, Shoo, for now, but do keep in touch.


Odette shoos. She shoos all the way to the spiders, and checks to make sure there aren't any concerningly spider-adjacent non-spider persons about.


Just the guards, whose job she is about to obviate but who if they have sensible priorities will not mind this.


Good.She begins raising walls of earth, sheer on the inside but gently sloping on the outside, up around the area that has spiders in it. If any try to climb the walls she flicks them back down. As she does this, she sorts through assorted rocks and soil for the silica and other elements necessary to generate the glass dome.


The guards watch, awed.


The glass gets to behave as though it were very well-tempered for strength, and gets enough air holes (each smaller than a human hand) that nothing inside is going to suffocate because of it. Then she crosses the surface with three paths, forming an asterisk pattern, with enough grip to be good for walking on. Each one gets a pair of stone pillars to mark the entrance where the glass meets earth.


This does indeed take her the rest of the day.


And then she gets to see if she can break the sound barrier getting back to Celegorm's place, half because she wants to get there fast and half because she's going to need to be as strong as possible in order to have the best chance of giving someone their twin back.


"Hello. I watched. That's one hell of a trick. Can you will material into existence? Because if so, we're done mining forever."


"It's complicated. I can multiply an amount of something that's already there, but only to a certain point at my current power level. Most of that was already there, I just moved it around a lot."


"Still. Very useful for building cities and so forth. Spending the night here?"


"I can go without sleep for a while if I magic it. I can't go on like that indefinitely, and I crash harder and longer when I do, so I generally don't, but at this point for the next--until your brother is alive again or I literally pass out from exhaustion, I'm going to be doing magic. Every little bit stronger I can get might make the difference."


"It gains momentum?"


"No. The more magic you do, the stronger you get at it. If I practiced for three hours and then tried something it wouldn't be any different than if I practiced for three hours, went to sleep and then tried the thing. But I'm sufficiently consumed by the problem that I don't think I would sleep very well anyway."


"In that case let's fly south."


"Would it be less weird if I physically carried you or levitated you separately?" she asks (her feet have not touched the floor this entire conversation).


"The latter, if both are straightforward."


"They are." And now his feet fail to touch the floor. "Remind me what direction we should be going in?"


He points.


Zoom. This time she actually does manage to break the sound barrier, which is promising; she remembers just beforehand to muffle the noise for her passenger.


He seems to be having the time of his life, though.


Oh good. It's always nice to get unexpected benefit out of something.

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