An Edie and Elves in Middle-Earth
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Always wanted to fly. Always trying to catch something big enough but not guaranteed to be deadly. 


You can do it for yourself if you learn the magic! Or I guess I could give you wings or something, but that would be difficult and probably have unwanted side effects. And it would be tricky enough compared to utility to be pretty far from the top of my priority list.


I'll try learning the magic. Let's get the dead back first, if that's a thing you can do.


Even if that's not a thing I can do now, it might be possible later when I've gotten stronger, depending on how it fails.


Well, knowing it'd be possible someday is still something.



There's no cap to a mage's power, not that we know of, not if they keep practicing. I am going to rip Morgoth apart one bit of divine essence or whatever the hell he's made of at a time. It might take me thousands of years to get that strong, but I'm going to do it.


Good for you, kid. We are all going to be dead in a hundred years if nothing changes, but perhaps your magic can be enough of a change.


It had damn well better be.


"We're nearly there. Left a bit."


She turns left a bit.


"Now we slow down, fly over the fortress, say hello."


She brakes carefully, timing their decelleration so they stop juuust  past the fortress and were going at a reasonable pace over it.


"Cool. Now we walk in through the doors rather than dropping onto the battlements, because some of Pityo's friends' be spooked. You can keep hovering if it makes your magic stronger."


"Little bit. Getting in the habit's more valuable than any particular few minutes."


The door opens. 

"Have you talked to Nelyo since yesterday?" Celegorm says without preamble to the man opening the door, who has red hair in a ponytail and looks like he is covered in sticky leaves.


"This is a Man from another world and she may be able to resurrect people."

He turns to look at her. "Really? How? Will you?"


"I will if I can. We don't know that. Resurrection is known to be all but impossible where I'm from, but where I'm from we have only Men. The existence of Valinor may render it possible, but even if it is possible I may not be able to do it yet. I am insanely young by your standards. But I'm a twin myself, and if I get even the slightest hint that it might work I'm not going to give up."


He nods. "Okay. What do you need?"


"Need, I'm not sure, I've never done this before. What I'd like is...are you the twin, I'm assuming you are because of context but it would be kind of embarrassing to continue assuming that and be mistaken.


"Okay, I'm going to want you to be nearby, much did he weigh when he died? That much organic matter." Beat. "And who's Nelyo?"


"Maedhros," the living twin says. "It's his nickname. One of his many nicknames, actually. And we can go outside and get trees, if that works, or Turko can shoot something..."


"Oh, okay. Animal matter would work better than plant matter, and hebaceous plant matter would work better than woody plant matter."


"I can get a deer or two."


"That should work. Assuming this works at all."


He leaves.

His brother gestures weakly in a way that might indicate she should come inside.

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