Cor and an evil Maitimo
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If there aren't any Elves around and they don't have orders to do anything in particular they're pretty much just normal people.


"Cool. I'm planning to de-oath a couple."


They approve. Oaths are such a terrible idea.


"They then can't stick around, for intel reasons, but they can go to my world and bring 'em news."


Dwarves are vaguely down on interworld kidnapping but it's better than executing them which is otherwise what the Elves would do.


"It is not a perfect solution especially since my world is disintegrating but letting people know that getting out of it is a thing they can do is a big deal."


Makes sense.


Do the Dwarves have any advice on more people he should talk to?


What is he trying to get out of talking to people?


"Getting my bearings, hearing different perspectives ideally without being assassinated in the process."


Dwarves won't assassinate him. Melian probably wouldn't? Maybe if he's obviously inclined to give the Noldor magic and she thinks it's a bad idea. Or if he looks himself inclined to bother Doriath. The Enemy would certainly not assassinate him.


"The worldeating thing would, if nothing else happened, eventually bother Doriath."


That seems like the kind of thing Melian would object to if she can't make it stop, which she might be able to.


"Which would be useful but asking might get me assassinated if she decided that was safer, is the impression I get?"


Yeah the Iathrim are really terrible at game theory that way. The Noldor are better at it.


"Good to know."


(Dwarves are the best at it). Curufin giggles translating this.


"And how does that manifest?"


Well if he wrote the Noldor and said that he had a question for them but it was only worth asking if he could be guaranteed he wouldn't be worse off for asking, then they'd swear to that and probably abide by it even if not sworn to it. Dwarves wouldn't swear to it because ewww but they'd totally abide by it, even more certainly so than the Noldor, who might be tempted if it were something really tempting to act on.


"Whereas if Melian got a letter to this effect she'd..."


The Dwarves debate this for a minute. The debate is between 'get confused and not answer' and 'respond saying that she will always do what is in Doriath's interests'. They can't really say very confidently, none of them have met her. They only know her by reputation.


"Well, I suppose at least she wouldn't commit and renege. You don't happen to know how thick the planet is, do you?"


They have dug a couple miles down. It is thicker than that. You could probably figure it out with math. They set to trying that. They conclude it's thousands of miles thick probably unless the Valar cheated with gravity.


"Uh, they must have cheated at least a little."


The edges are supposed to be weird but they don't know if the main part is.

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