The bell rings.
For someone with so much free time he feels like he is always late to things. The school map isn't really that useful, so he asks someone.
"Hi? I am looking for Ms. Smith's class?"
"Oh, I can just see the souvenirs. Non-magical glass beads with glow in the dark paint. T-shirts with sayings like 'party all night when the night never ends.' That sort of thing."
"Exactly! Sometimes I wish I'd run into a pocket dimension and become rich off it."
"Don't we all. At least get first dibs on whatever magic one finds there. What would you do with that sort of money?"
"Donate half of it to charity and use the other half to become even richer and do that again. Rinse and repeat."
"—oh but also, there's this thing—I'm genderfluid, sometimes I'm a boy, how much of an effort should I make to be a girl on Friday?"