An extremely depressed vampire arrives in Amenta
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Are there metal detectors or x-ray thingies?


Good then she won't have to cheat them.



There is one of those!


Then she will take it and meditate about magic on the way.


Some of Orvara's surviving reds are in an abandoned mining camp a few hundred miles from the airport.


She can duck from view and run in that direction and turn her hair red on the way.


They are surprised when she arrives. "Hello - where'd you come from -"


"Most recently, Anitam," she says with a perfect Orvaran accent.


"...why are you here?"


"...I can't think of a way to say this that won't spook you but—I'm a magical alien from a world without castes and I want to help."



They don't have a way to respond to that.


She zips three feet to her left to prove it, then asks, "What do you need?"


...some of them scramble into their buildings.


Hopefully not all of them? She looks down at her feet and tries to look as meek and harmless as possible and waits.


Some of them don't do that. "Why are you here?"


"Because your world does you great harm and I would see it corrected, but I don't want to do that without actually meeting some of you and understanding what life's like for you and what I can do to help."


"...what can you do?"


"I can bring you approximately arbitrary amounts of anything. I can magically ward this area so if someone decides to attack they will be unable to. I can do various other magical things, broadly enough that it's better if I just ask you what you need so I can find the best way to do that."


"We... need food, we have water but getting it's inconvenient, if we're still here in winter we need heat... we.... need not to be shot... the doctor can get you a list of medicine..."


"I can directly and costlessly cure you of any diseases and illnesses and make sure you won't get any more diseases and illnesses for the next ever. I can ward the area and also each of you individually against physical harms, and additionally make you better at shrugging them off and healing from them. I can make the place not get too cold, and I can get you food and water. ...more long-term, I am going to do the same and more to a patch of emptiness in the south pole which I'm going to turn habitable and give seasons to. The place is legally owned by someone I trust and can become its own polity eventually."


"...I'd still want some things for injuries," says the doctor.

"The poles don't have seasons."


"I'll definitely give you things for injuries, too, you won't need to trust my word for the magic. And they don't have seasons yet but I can make them have seasons magically."


"The seasons have to work, they tried a thing where they just put people underground and turned the lights on different amounts of time and it didn't work."


"They're magic, they will work."

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