An extremely depressed vampire arrives in Amenta
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"Well, yeah, when I didn't have anywhere to put them."


"That was not your stated reason, though."


"I can be impressed by the success of Olvala's experiment."




She writes the reds.

My cousin bought up a bunch of land near the poles and thinks he can have it terraformed so it's habitable and then eventually, in two years or so, season it. If we can pull that off, how would you all feel about an independent red country?


That sounds like bullshit. Which pole? But it's probably bullshit.


South. How would one go about convincing them it's not bullshit.

Permalink sounds like pretty irredeemable bullshit but maybe some folks could check it out.


Okay. If Anitam starts a purple rotation program and plans to move them to the poles they'll riot, right. She told Aitim that would happen but she wants to confirm.


Yep it is pretty bullshit sounding.


Okay. She will make them wait on the training programs until the poles are all habitable and observed to be habitable and walked-on-by-reds so no one else gets ideas about them. In the meantime it is apparently super important to the Anitami government that their reds not riot are there things she should leverage this to make them do.


They've got most of the low-hanging fruit with the police cameras and the abolishment of social workers and a way to report assholes. They could really use money? And better prioritization when their utilities cut out? And recourse for noise complaints from adjoining neighborhoods, which, being undesirably adjacent to reds, are low rent and therefore shitty.


She'll work on it. 


Reds like Isel and somebody probably put her up to attempting to feed them bullshit and that's not her fault.


She knows the person who bought the poles and the mortgage is definitely completely real and she also doesn't think he'd do that but she appreciates their confidence that she's not trying to get them murdered.


Yup. Isel is nice. And would almost certainly not murder them.


Aitim also wouldn't murder you. I think. But I'll make him prove it.


Proof is nice.


"Prove it first, then send them there. And for the record if this is just a neat way to get them killed without getting anyone else killed I'll -"


"I wouldn't do that. - not without an amazingly good reason, the kind you'd acknowledge was kind of worth it once I told you. I'm not doing that. It's an urgent priority of mine that they're all happy and alive."


"I can't think of a reason that good."


"I have resurrection but it only resurrects reds and there's some catastrophe impending?"


" - fine, I can't think of a reason that good without invoking literal magic."


"Me neither."


She's at the airport that evening.


It's a spacious efficient airport with minimal security compared to Earth ones. 

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