A peace movement Yeerk joins the Lifesteal SMP
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Alita sets her bed! She doesn't look in the chests though; that's other people's stuff.


The raid starts. She's only got Bad Omen I, which is probably for the best for her first raid.


Alita starts killing the raiders. They look uncomfortably human, and she's not as skilled at fighting with a sword as she is with the Andalite tail-blade. She's sweating and gritting her teeth to resist the temptation to morph, but she makes it through the first two waves.

And then a giant bull-like thing shows up and sends her flying through the air.

"Subz what the fu—heck is that?"


"That is a ravager. I'm not PG, by the way, you can swear." He thinks about saying "you should be fine, you've got resistance and strength", and then considers her general skill at fighting and doesn't say that. He shoots at it, half to help kill it but also half just to draw its aggro away from her. But her inability to recognize ravagers does remind him of another question: "I've been meaning to ask, actually, how'd you, like... get here?" Because whatever people are assuming, Vitalasy has no idea who Alita is or why she's here. Subz would be willing to bet his life on that. He doesn't think it's Spoke or Ash either; the wormhole group chat has been just as confused and panicked about the random new person as everyone else, as far as he can tell. Maybe even more so, because they know their own capabilities and know that this is beyond them. (Subz is somewhat underestimating how panicked everyone else is, because he doesn't know yet about Alita's morph abilities. He'll find out soon, though, and then wormhole group chat will definitely be more panicked than everyone else.)


"I know I can, it just doesn't fit my personal aesthetic."

Alita is a fast learner; she gets better at timing her attacks as the fight goes on, and while she isn't consistently critting yet she seems to have at least noticed that jumping strikes hit harder. With Subz's help, she's able to take out the ravager.

"I died, in the place I came from—it has way higher population density than here and totally different technology and when you die, you're supposed to be gone forever—and the next thing I'm aware of is waking up here, at spawn."


That's cap. But if she isn't going to share Subz won't try to make her. "Gonna be honest, Lifesteal is kind of a shitty afterlife."


"So far I'm enjoying it more than the place I came from. Resources are easier to extract, we come back when we die, Visser Three isn't here..."


"Uh-huh." Okay, scratch the thing he just thought, he's asking again. "The roleplay's cool and all but, like, actually how did you get here. Like, who whitelisted you."


"I really don't know! Is there any proof I could show that would convince you I'm telling the truth here?"


Subz considers. "Probably not. Uh, maybe if Parrot did some stuff on console and a couple people confirmed that everything checks out, but it'd still be more likely they were just also lying. I can, like, stop asking, it's not that big a deal." It is to a lot of people but Subz doesn't actually care that much. Whatever it is, it'll probably get figured out or there'll be a video in a few months explaining everything, for now he can play along. In the last wave, he focuses on killing the ravager, but it's up to Alita to kill the evoker, since that's where she'll actually get the totem.


Alita successfully kills the evoker! She deeply wants to try acquiring the vexes; she can't tell if they're really alive. Maybe she can sneak back here later when no one is around.

"Yeah, probably best if you stop asking. I wouldn't believe me either, if it didn't happen to me."


sunbather has reached the achievement [Hero of the Village]

"Well, now you know how to do raids. You can use this area if you want, I think no one else really uses it anymore."


Alita bounces.

"Thank you! That's very kind of you. I will remember that you helped me."

She turns to go.


"Sure, anytime." Weird schizo girl can go. He doesn't actually need to grind raids but he should wait a while and keep an eye out for particles before heading back to his base, Subz is getting tired of leading people back to their base and then having to move.


There are no particles from Alita, at least!

She'll be back later, for more totems and to try acquiring those things, but for now she goes to explore the nether—the regular nether, not the creepy above-roof nether—in search of netherite. She also notes that her milestone-sense suggests that there might be some structures to find; she keeps an eye out for those. While she explores, she figures it might be a good time to have some of the conversations she'd been wanting to.

sunbather whispers to baconnwaffles0: you said the rules are there for a reason. i'm interested in hearing your thoughts on why the rules are justified, if it's a good time to chat?


(He’s mostly looking for invis particles; people on this server have a habit of going invisible and following people to their bases. Since she’s not in fact doing this, he doesn’t see any and heads home.)


baconnwaffles0 whispers to sunbather: sure

baconnwaffles0 whispers to sunbather: vc?


Alita initiates the chat.


“Hey. Want to meet at spawn again or just do it over call, I feel like there’s some stuff there that illustrates my point but it’s not that big a deal.”


"I can meet at spawn."

She hasn't gone that deeply into the nether yet. She can get back to mining once she's seen what Bacon has to show.


Bacon and Planet are still at spawn. Planet's still doing the parkour, even. Bacon waves to Alita when she shows up.

"Hey, so, like--normally I'd give it as an example but you've already seen Poopies. There's also, uh, there's also Peepees, Spoke spawned that in a fight between Zam and Mapicc. And just around spawn there's--walk with me?"


Alita follows.

"How did Poopies come into existence?"


"Spoke," Bacon says. "If you're asking how Spoke was able to do that, I don't know either, that's part of what I'm trying to find out."


They round a corner to see a strange house;  there's wood floating in the air, and more of the strange rock that was the floor of the nether roof exploding out from it.


"This is, um, one of the things I wanted to show you. Well, there's also, like, I'm pretty sure there's still barrier blocks somewhere, but I don't remember the coordinates, and you've already seen Poopies. Do you--do you see the problem here."


"Well, I wouldn't want it to happen to my house.

...buuuuuuuut I didn't hear 'no burning down houses' in the rules so I'm going to guess you're talking about something different."

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