A peace movement Yeerk joins the Lifesteal SMP
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There's plenty of empty land! When she gets away from the immediate spawn area, she'll notice that there's a lot of blown up area around spawn; when she gets further out than that, the area starts looking like normal wilderness.


Alita gathers resources! Recipes reveal themselves to her as she does. She builds herself a little house by a river out of stone brick, with oak planks and stairs for a roof. At the house she leaves the lamp and glowstone in a chest; into the world she takes her armor, the porkchops, a set of tools (all stone except the diamond pick), and a book and quill to take notes.

She jumps in the river, and demorphs. She notices that it's quickabout as fast as eating a porkchopand that her armor returns itself to her inventory while she's in Yeerk form and has no slots for it, re-equipping when she resumes human form.

She delves into the nearest cave, in search of redstone.


The cave has redstone! It also has a lot of strange aggressive creatures: zombies, walking skeletons with bows, strange green creatures that explode if she gets too close, large aggressive spiders, and very tall black humanoids with glowing purple eyes that attack her if she looks in their eyes.


She mines her first redstone! She can make so many exciting things now: a clock, a compass, some light source called a "redstone torch" that might be useful for Kandrona lamp development.

She acquires some instances of the spiders and the black humanoids; she can't acquire the zombies or skeletons because they're dead, and she can't acquire the green creatures because she can't touch them in her natural form without them exploding. She can't get a good amount of mining done with the creatures hounding her, and her stone tools can't kill them quickly enough. She decides to try something else.

When she was executed, Visser Three had touched her with his own hand. With Alloran's hand. By sheer instinct she had made the mental motion to acquire him, and while she thought she would never get a chance to test if it worked, she





Her armor equipsonly the helmet, chestplate, and pants, because the boots don't fit on hooves. She feels that there's an additional slot for armor on the rear half of her body, but she has nothing that would fit into it now. She hacks her way through monsters with the Andalite tail-blade; it does vastly more damage than a stone sword.

(About as much as Sharpness IV Netherite, actually, but she doesn't know that yet.)


With a good haul of treasure and mob drops from the cave. Alita returns to her house to start testing the light sources. She puts down the redstone lamp, redstone torch, and glowstone in a line, noting that the lamp activates when adjacent to the redstone torch. She turns her arm into Yeerk flesh and runs it over the light sources, to see if any of them produce even a little flicker of Kandrona...

...and what she finds is overwhelming. The glowstone and the redstone lamp produce Kandronaa steadier and stronger stream of it than from even the best lamps made by the Empire or the peace movement. This, she thinks with tears in her eyes, must be what the homeworld's sun feels like.


She builds a little pool in her house, and basks in the light.


(At the world border, Vitalasy shows up to the meeting with Zam. Writes a book. Receives a book, and then an apple.

Not quite at the world border, Bacon and Planet discuss possibilities. On the one hand, Alita being here sucks so bad in terms of what it means for the server. On the other hand, Parrot's basically useless, and they might be able to use her; they've still got a second favor, and having an exploiter in debt to them has the potential to be incredibly useful.)


After some time taking in the light, Alita gets up and enters human morph to test out her lesser goodies, the clock and compass.

...the compass doesn't point north. She doesn't know why she expected a compass on another planet to point north. She's curious about where it does point, and out of the two people she's met, Planet seemed to be more amused by her ignorance, while she felt that Bacon was getting a little annoyed.

sunbather whispers to PlanetLord: where does the compass point?


PlanetLord whispers to sunbather: spawn


sunbather whispers to PlanetLord: thanks! that's good to know.
sunbather whispers to PlanetLord: i'm also wondering about, like, the social landscape. what do people do for fun around here? is there some sort of social area i could meet people, like a bar?
sunbather whispers to PlanetLord: and, um, is there someone in charge? your name kinda sounds like someone who'd be in charge. lord of the whole planet, and all.


("Why are you laughing?" Bacon asks. Planet waves him away.)

PlanetLord whispers to sunbather: ummmmmm people kill each other mostly
PlanetLord whispers to sunbather: best social area is spawn probably
PlanetLord whispers to sunbather: i am definitely in charge. dont listen to anyone else
PlanetLord whispers to sunbather: jk! 


sunbather whispers to PlanetLord: of course haha!
sunbather whispers to PlanetLord: and thanks, that's good to know.

She doesn't get what's so fun about killing each other, even if you do come back. Still, if violence is the norm, she had better be prepared for it, and that means making full use of her unique advantages.

sunbather whispers to baconwaffles0: hey, you said you knew of some animals i could try to acquire?


baconnwaffles0 whispers to sunbather: yes
baconnwaffles0 whispers to sunbather: come to spawn

Plan "get Alita to turn into Poopies" is back on. Bacon lets Planet know and then they're also on their way back to spawn.

baconnwaffles0 whispers to PrinceZam: are you still in the meeting
PrinceZam whispers to baconnwaffles0: no
PrinceZam whispers to baconnwaffles0: why are you so annoying
PrinceZam whispers to baconnwaffles0: leave me alone
baconnwaffles0 whispers to PrinceZam: no
baconnwaffles0 whispers to PrinceZam: come to spawn
baconnwaffles0 whispers to PrinceZam: trust me
PrinceZam whispers to baconnwaffles0: fine


sunbather whispers to baconwaffles0: on my way

She runs to spawn.


Bacon and Planet are already there, but Bacon refuses to do anything until someone else, "Zam" shows up--


A yellow being with a crown and a nervous smile comes out of the portal at spawn. 


"Hi! I'm PrinceZam."


"Alita, Zam, Zam, Alita. We can do more introductions in a bit. Right now, Alita, I want you to show Zam the thing you can do."


"Hi nice to meet you!" Alita says, jumping once and swinging her fist in the air.

Then her armor unequips itself as her arms retract into her torso, her facial features overwritten with a featureless green from which two brown palps emerge


and she shrinks down to the size of her natural form, dashing around in a few quick circles before


changing color once more and growing, new extremities emerging, as she takes the form of Alloran.

She's hungry. She consumes the grass beneath her hooves. It disappears as if it's been eaten by a sheep.


Zam screams and jumps back. "WHAT THE FUCK--WHAT THE FUCK--WHAT THE FUCK--"


"So I take it Vitalasy didn't bring this up in your meeting."






I'm--I'm sure he has a good reason."

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