A peace movement Yeerk joins the Lifesteal SMP
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"You forgot to call it Minecraft's Deadliest SMP."


"No, I chose not to do that, because this is stupid."


Snort. "Okay. Whatever."


"And just to be absolutely clearif you die here, you...come...back? There is still a 'you' to lose something?"


"Wooooooow you don't know anything. Sorry! Sorry! That was probably insensitive."


"I mean, it was true. Yeah, you come back unless you lose all your hearts."


"Wait, you forgot that too when you were giving the speech. If you lose all your hearts, you are BANNED."

He makes the double neo this time and bounces happily about it even though absolutely no one else is paying attention to this.


"I will begrudgingly admit that using the script makes you less likely to leave things out."


"What's begrudgingly mean?"


"Like, I'll admit it, but I'm not happy about it."


Well then.

She's not seeing a lot to contradict the "this is Heaven" idea. Except the obsession with violence. Maybe it's, what was the Viking thing, Valhalla.

"All right. Bring on the dangerous animals, then."


"I've got another question first, then I'll give you your lamp and we can talk about getting you more. The dangerous animals are extra, I'm not going to make you do that. The device, your powers, your coming here--do you know if or how Spoke, Ashswag, Vitalasy, or Parrot were involved in any of that?"


"The device was—an Andalite warrior had crash-landed and died at the construction site. We think he hid the device there. Me coming here—I don't have a clue. I died in the place I came from—which operates by way different rules, if you die once you're supposed to be gone forever—and then I woke up here, that's all I remember.

I don't know any of those people. Vitalasy sounds like it could be a Yeerk name? I think there might have been a Vitalasy something in the peace movement, it was getting big enough by the time I died that I couldn't keep track of everyone personally. But we don't know how to make the morphing cubes, if we could there'd be no war, probably no Empire."


So she's used to hardcore, modded, probably a bunch of other things. Fair enough as a backstory, if Bacon overlooks everything else about the impossibility of how she got here. She seems genuine, but the most likely possibility is still definitely that this is part of an elaborate plan by Spoke-or-someone. He can theorize more later in private. 

"And you don't have any other powers?"


"You sounded like you'd never seen a Yeerk before. In my natural form, if someone puts me in their head, I share their sensory input, and can read their mind or move their muscles.

But I won't do that to someone against their will, ever again, for any price. The reason I died was that I was fighting people who believed in doing that.

We alsothough if you can die and come back I imagine this is probably already a solved problem around heredon't suffer from old age."



On the one hand, he's incredibly curious about the thing where she can go in people's heads? But on the other hand they really don't need more exploits being used, they need the exact opposite of that, Alita is already bringing way too much to the server.

...If Spoke and Ash and Vitalasy can do all that--which they probably can, if they added the mods she's using--this could be very bad. It might be worth asking Alita for ways to counter it. Later, though, after he's talked with Planetlord in private and made at least a token attempt at figuring things out himself.

He tosses over the redstone lamp (and a lever to turn it on) anyway; she did in fact answer his questions, and a redstone lamp is not actually that hard to get. "Well, thank you. I'll get back to you on what I want the second favor to be, or if I have more questions. I can get you more of these later, or show you how to get the materials."


"Thank you! I'd like to see how to get the materials."


What's the recipe again? He puts down a crafting table and checks the recipe book.

...This is fucking stupid. 

"Okay, I don't feel like going mining right now, but if you find a cave, go down it, or just dig down and strip mine, whichever, you can probably find redstone. More likely the farther away from spawn, most of the caves here have already been picked over, plus there are, like, withers. Glowstone's in the nether and it's pretty out in the open so I'll show you that."


Planet stops trying the parkour in order to follow Bacon to a glowing-purple portal.

"You're, like, a tutorial right now!"


Deep sigh. Baconwaffles does not love being a tutorial.


Alita follows. She's not sure what the "nether" is but she figures if she just does whatever Bacon does she'll figure it out.


The portal leads to a hot expanse of red rocks with a low ceiling of the same rocks. There are other things, mostly at random--bits of cobblestone and wood and dirt, sometimes as staircases or pillars, sometimes just single blocks scattered through the landscape--as well as a couple things that look like they could be larger structures (the outside of a poorly-maintained stone ?tunnel?, a ladder leading up, other glowing purple portals of the same type they just went through). Baconwaffles ignores all of these things to head out until the terrain opens up to the air; there's lava, but above them, there's also glowstone, which is why they're here. Bacon staircases up with dirt and then breaks a piece with his pickaxe (made of the same glowing-purple material as his armor) to demonstrate. 

"This is glowstone, you combine it with redstone to make redstone lamps. I've got silk touch, you don't so you'll have to either get silk touch or mine more glowstone to get enough. Here, you can take it." This is mostly because he doesn't have any free inventory slots and not solely because of altruism, but it looking like kindness works out.


The open Nether is...beautiful. Could be more so, with less clutter, but it's one of the loveliest landscapes she's seen in person. She allows herself a minute of gaping, then turns her focus to the piece of glowstone she's picked up.

It comes with an instinctive awareness of how to build the lamp. She'll need a crafting table, which she can make with wood; she remembers hearing that around here you can just...punch...trees.

"Thank you very much for all your help," she says as she pulls out her pick and moves to ascend the dirt staircase towards the glowstone, "do you have a way to get back in touch with me for your second favor, if I go off to look for some trees, caves, and empty land for a house?"


baconnwaffles0 whispers to sunbather: yes

Oh right, he had other messages to send.

baconnwaffles0 whispers to PrinceZam: you dont have to come to spawn anymore
PrinceZam whispers to baconnwaffles0: :(
PrinceZam whispers to baconnwaffles0: im almost there :(
baconnwaffles0 whispers to PrinceZam: you took too long
baconnwaffles0 whispers to PrinceZam: should still vc me or planet before the meeting


sunbather whispers to baconwaffles0: wow this is cool!

Alita emerges back at spawn, glowstone in hand. She heads out in search of resources and empty land. She'd like to move directly along the east-west axis, but she can't tell which way it is yet with where the sun is in the sky. She'll start walking in the direction the portal is facing, then pick a landmark to head west from once she figures out which way that is.

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