A peace movement Yeerk joins the Lifesteal SMP
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"Okay, Alita, I want you to type /withdraw 1, drop the heart, and turn back."


Zam's eyes go wide. "What the fuck! No! We are not doing this again--" He hits Bacon once, for emphasis, not to hurt.


"Dude! Chill chill chill! I'm not going to use it. If it puts Alita down a heart, I give it back, no big deal. If it doesn't, I'll get rid of it, okay? But if there is a dupe, which is a big if, do we want to have video evidence we can report to Parrot, or do we want to not do anything and let Spoke figure it out? Because I'm gonna be real, it did not take me that long to figure it out, and I am not usually the first one on the server to find glitches."


"Good point. ...Spoke's got, like, infinite hearts, I don't think he'd need it."


"Okay, Mapicc then. You see the issue."


"I guess, yeah."


Alita drops the heart, reverts to natural form, and then assumes human form.

"I don't feel any different?"


Bacon picks up the heart. Doesn't apply it, just holds it. He doesn't have a flint and steel on him but he bets Zam does.

"How many hearts did you start with, in this form and in your other form? How many do you have now?"


"When I first arrived here I had ten in my natural form and human and Andalite forms. After Poopies killed me I lost one in my natural form. After dropping the heart as Zam and turning back, I still have nine in my natural form and ten in my human form."


Okay. So it's a dupe glitch.

Bacon turns to Zam. "Do you have a flint and steel?"


"Yep." Zam sets a bit of ground on fire. He is clearly pretty freaked out by the whole thing.

Bacon drops the heart in and Zam puts the fire back out.


To Alita: "Please, uh, don't use that."

It's a useless sentence, honestly. Even if she didn't use it on purpose she's still got, what, forty hearts at least, just as a baseline, and if people kill her then those hearts will start getting spread around the server. They really should just tell Parrot now. They've got video evidence of Alita doing multiple things that shouldn't be possible, the dupe glitch is kind of the least of their worries.

But if they tell Parrot and Alita gets banned, they can't undo that. So he's going to think about it a bit more first. Unless Zam has already messaged Parrot, which is entirely possible and honestly fair enough.


"Why not?"


Everyone stares at her.


Bacon's the first one to try and answer. "Because...it's a dupe glitch? I realize that, uh, 'no exploiting' is kind of a lost cause, but the rules are there for a reason. If nothing else, you're gonna get banned. You could hide it better, I guess, but if you try pulling anything too major, I've already got enough evidence to get Parrot to ban you. Unless whatever you've got worked out with Spoke or whoever can also unban you, which, honestly, seems pretty plausible at this point, but if that's the case then I can't really stop you. So I guess I'm just, like, asking politely, if you could not do that, out of the kindness of your heart."


"I see! I didn't know it was against the rules. Or, um, that there were rules of the sort enforced by people rather than the world itself, here. I won't do it, and I'm sorry to have worried you. Is there a list of the rules anywhere that I can read?

And if I may ask, who is Parrot? How did they come to have the power to ban people?"


"I mean--the rules you're breaking are the ones usually enforced by the world itself, that's, um, why it's exploiting. But--whatever. Rules. No riptide tridents, no elytra, no crossbow rockets. No end crystals or respawn anchors for combat. No crafted hearts past ten. No combat logging. No restocking during fights. No raid farms. No hack clients, no x-ray, no duping, no exploiting. I think that's all of them? Uh, it's pretty common to bend these rules a little bit sometimes, especially because right now there's a pretty major group of people that's exploiting a lot, but most people aren't doing the sort of thing you're doing, and I'm not actually happy about the other exploiters either. And if you do it right in front of people there's a chance you'll get a 2-week ban.

Parrot's the server owner." He seems to expect "sever owner" to have full explanatory power.


"You can craft hearts?"


"Up to ten, yeah. I dunno if we should count you as having nine or as having, like, infinity, since you can just, like, turn into something with more hearts? Even without the dupe it's kind of broken."

Bacon considers the possibility of Alita touching a warden and deliberately doesn't suggest it.


"How do you craft a heart?"


Bacon considers lying to Alita about the recipe but can't think of anything funny fast enough. "32 redstone blocks, four totems, four diamond blocks, four diamonds, one netherite ingot."


She writes this down, along with the rules. She assumes "netherite" is probably from the nether, and she can figure out where to get totems later.

"Thank you! Do you have any more ideas for tests of my morphing power?"


"If you meet Spoke, Vitalasy, or Ashswag, I want you to touch them. --That sounds bad. I want you to just, like, touch them normally--that's worse actually, you know what I mean--and then see if turning into them gives you any extra powers, and, like, let me know. Maybe do the second half when they're not around, I don't know how secret you want to keep this. Uh, just warning you upfront, it's definitely not going to stay secret from Vitalasy, and he'll probably tell the other two, but who knows."


"I'll, um, do my best to land a touch on them in my natural form. I guess if it's against the rules I should try to not make my morphing common knowledge."


"Yeah, I mean--like I said, word will spread. But it's still, like, probably worth not showing off too much."



Planet, Bacon had said you could pay me back the heart from the Poopies test?"

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