this is 100% QTesseract's fault
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"And what fights do you want to get into, exactly?" 


She twists a lock of hair around her finger. "Well, we'll have to script them in advance, because I very much don't want to risk accidentally saying something genuinely hurtful to one another, but I was thinking..." 


It doesn't take Lucette long to discover additional benefits to Hulrun's ultimatum than an additional opportunity to cause mischief for him. 

When Lucette walks the streets with her own face, everyone notices her. When she does something in public, everyone sees Terendelev's Daughter doing it, and while that isn't necessarily important, if it's something nobody cares if she does, there's still a weight to being watched all the time. 

Lucette didn't think much of it. She was unique and highly visible, and had been all her life. 


But walking the streets in a variety of strange faces, she's anonymous. Kenabres is large enough, and--possibly more importantly--sufficiently filled with people passing through on the way to fight at the Worldwound, that nobody looks twice at a strange face. She can go anywhere or do anything, and not only will people not find her actions worth mentioning to anyone who'll find them worth mentioning to the Prelate, they won't even notice unless she does something especially odd or makes her false face too pretty. 

...The latter caveat is relevant, sometimes. Lucette is, if she has to admit it, a vainer creature than she endorses. 


She uses these faces to visit Daeran, of course; that was the original point of them. But she also uses them for other things. Walking the streets of Kenabres as an anonymous stranger is different from walking them as Terendelev's Daughter. 


There's a homeless elf girl she stops and talks to sometimes. Calls herself Ember, probably relatedly has some really concerning burn scars. 

...Lucette hopes that those scars came from, like, a brimorak or a burning building, and not the obvious. She would really prefer it if Hulrun weren't prepared to sink so low as to hurt children. But--she's seen the records. She's not optimistic. 


Lucette sees a lot, walking around as an ordinary person. An ordinary, curious person, fond of poking her nose where it doesn't belong and confident that she can evade social consequences for nosiness by discarding the guise she's currently wearing and adopting another. 

Sometimes she finds crime, that way. She doesn't usually report it--she does not want the criminals of the city to have a vested interest in finding out about her Disguise Self habits--but she often rectifies it, when possible, intervening in fights and catching pickpockets. It doesn't happen often enough that she thinks anybody is going to see a pattern and object to it, not like they would if she had these people sent to the Condemned. 


Sometimes she finds demon cultists. They're less common than the criminals, and better at hiding it on average. But any average is going to have outliers, and Lucette is very nosy. 

If she becomes very, very sure someone is a cultist, she reports them anonymously to Hulrun. She doesn't like him, and nobody deserves to be subjected to him, but demon cultists are a very real and very bad problem. 

(And maybe if people give him enough real ones to chew on he's less likely to gnaw on the bones of the innocent.)


...Unfortunately, trailing cultists is just a liiiiiittle bit more dangerous than stopping a few petty criminals. 

The situation could be a lot worse. The--she thinks cleric, of Baphomet, is strong enough that the harmless civilian she was pretending to be would have been completely fucked, but not strong enough to prepare True Seeing, which means he has no idea who she actually is. 

It could also be better! She isn't carrying any actual weapons. Which--she does have her claws--but she would prefer a nice sword. Preferably a cold iron one. Probably her claws and her strength will be enough to dispatch the cultist once she actually gets to him, but through a series of mishaps, they've ended up in a more-or-less stalemate where the cultist is barricaded behind an overturned table and Lucette can't go deal with him because she is surrounded by summoned quasits

This is probably not going to kill her but it is deeply annoying

She has clawed two of them to--well, not death, actually, but desummoning--already, but it's taking too long and all the others are still getting in hits. 

In frustration, she grabs a knife off the floor and stabs one of the quasits with it. This is not really efficient but oh well. 

...Well, it shouldn't be very efficient, but she gets a lucky hit, and it passes through the quasit's flesh like butter. Or, well, not butter, but like normal flesh and not demon. As though the knife were cold iron. 

It's not. She wastes a move action staring at the knife. It's silver, shining with the exact color of her own hair and scales. 

Well. That's interesting. 

She experiments with additional fallen tableware. The silver stuff consistently works better on the quasits than non-silver objects of the same type, albeit not, generally, as well as her own hands; she knows how to use her claws, whereas awkwardly attempting to fork a quasit in the wing is just never the most efficient way to dispatch it, no matter what the substance of the fork is. 

When she's finally gotten rid of all the Fucking Quasits, breathing hard and streaked with her own blood from the various bites, she turns to the cultist, who is staring at her with fully deserved confusion. 

Well. That's fair. 

He's been surprisingly useful to her, actually, so she's going to do the kindness of breaking his neck with her own two hands instead of involving Hulrun in the affair at all. 


And then, because she would really like to investigate this silver thing, she dismisses her Disguise Self, makes up a story about how she got into this situation that involves her having looked like herself the whole time and hopefully doesn't raise too many questions about why a lot of bystanders didn't see her along the way, and presents the situation to the relevant authorities as a fait accompli. 


Lavinia would really like it if Lucette would have a SWORD on her if she is going to get into cultist-related situations!!! 


Yyyyyyeah, that's fair. 


But also, yes, science. Lavinia procures a selection of daggers in a variety of materials and she can do science with them the next time she finds a demon (which hopefully won't be very soon). 


Unfortunately, Mama is seriously underestimating Lucette's capacity to get in trouble on purpose. 


Look, hope springs eternal, okay???


Lucette has Detect Fiendish Presence and she's not afraid to use it. And, unlike the Inquisition, is capable of sneaking around places looking totally innocuous. 


...There actually aren't a whole lot of demons in Kenabres. Which is a good thing! Despite it being personally inconvenient for her! But, you know, the inquisition does do enough work weeding them out that it's nice that that's effective at its actual goal as well as the part where not everyone who dies over it was guilty. 



The next actual demon she finds is in the sewers, which she is never, ever telling Daeran she went into voluntarily, but look, she already TRIED all the places she was less than grossed out by being. Or, not all of them exactly, but enough of them that trying a more thorough search was liable to get noticed, and also she only has so much total duration of Disguise Self per day, and it's not like she's using none of them on visiting him, and she can prowl around the sewers with her own face on. 


She thinks she's under the area vaguely around the Grey Garrison when she finds the quasit. It tries to flee as soon as it sees her, which is extremely fair of it, since she is in fact planning to do some less than decent things to it. 

She does have more scruples than to pin it down and cut into it until she's satisfied with her results. She just attacks it with one cold iron dagger and one silver dagger and sees if they feel at all different. 

They don't. 

She switches the silver dagger for a different silver dagger and that one feels just the same too. 

It isn't the most scientifically rigorous testing in the world but it works, basically. 

The quasit dies and Lucette brings her results to her parents. 


Well, at least it was only one quasit, this time. 

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