this is 100% QTesseract's fault
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"Prelate, I appreciate your concern." This is a bigger lie than she usually tells him, but whatever, it's Hulrun, being honest with Hulrun is just asking for trouble. "But I don't mean that I think I should avoid him and can't seem to manage it. I mean that turning Count Arendae to even small acts of Good is important, actually, and I can do it, and I don't, in fact, think it best to stop." 


"Your intentions are commendable, but you are in over your head. Consorting with evil is rarely as good an idea as it looks, when it manages to look like a good idea at all, and if it ever needs to happen," which he is not convinced of, "it is better left to adults. I will speak with your parents if you continue to insist on shaming them with your associations." 









"I understand, Prelate, thank you for your guidance." 


And then she goes home. She had had plans, for that outing, but now she is not capable of fulfilling them right now. 

Lucette is not a member of a class that has berserking abilities. You would not necessarily be able to infer this from the state of the straw dummy she was using, after she was through with it. 


"What's wrong?" 


...Lucette hadn't actually noticed her Mama approaching. This practice courtyard isn't visible from the street, but it wouldn't have been hard for someone else in the house to realize what was happening. 

She sighs. 

"Prelate Hulrun disapproves of my friendship with Daeran." 




"And he threatened to have words, with Mum and possibly also you, if I don't cut him off." 




"I'll talk to your Mum before he does, if it comes to that." 


"I...don't think it will. But..." shrug. "He's just. So." 


"Haven't the two of you been provoking him on purpose?"


"He doesn't know I'm in on it!" 


"Of course not. But you can't expect him to not do anything at all, even just anything you personally object to, after Daeran leaves a severed monster penis on his desk. Again." 


...Okay that will get some giggles out of Lucette. 


"If he were sensible, he would care more about the dead monster than about the obnoxious aftermath. It's not like it was still bloody and messed up his papers." 


"If you're making plans based on Hulrun being sensible, may I suggest that you stop?"


Lucette wrinkles her face up. "Uuuuuuuuuugh." 


"Yes, dear. That's not surprising." 


"If I gain the magical ability to turn into a cat I will leave rotting mackerel in his shoes." 


"If I hear that he found rotting mackerel in his shoes I will suspect that you and a cat were involved, but that's not really relevant." 


Eyeroll. "Yes, Mama." 


The next day there is a pretty brunette making herself at home in Count Arendae's bedroom, reading a book. 


...This gives Daeran pause for only a moment. It's not as though he were unaware that Lucette had Disguise Self. 

"Dressed up for anyone in particular?"


She looks up from her book and rolls her eyes. 

"The Prelate threatened to involve my Mum if I didn't quit hanging out with you. Which I don't think would go the way he wants, but I'm not quite ready yet to give up the advantage of not being openly in conflict with him yet." 


"How mildly irritating of him." 


"Mhm. Just think, though, if we're not publicly friends anymore, we could get into the most amazing fights in public."

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