And now for something completely different
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Gonie blinks.


"It means I can finally go adventure!!!" she says, zooming around the room in circles.


He blinks again but doesn't try to follow her zooming with his eyes. He has no idea how she manages to not get dizzy or nauseous when she does that but he starts getting dizzy just from watching her.


"I wonder if I should join Eden? I guess that's how you get to be super powerful but I'm not sure I really trust them?"


Gonie shrugs eloquently. "But why?"


"Why what? Oh, why be an adventurer? I mean, the Rebellion's eventually gonna actually fight, right, so if I don't want to be useless—why are you looking at me like that."


He stiffened when she said "fight" and got even stiffer when she said "don't want to be useless". "You won't fight."


"...what do you mean? Of course I'm gonna fight! I mean I guess I don't know when or doing what, right, we don't yet have very concrete plans, but when we do."


He shakes his head.


"Gonie, I'm going to need you to use your words today."







"It's dangerous."


"...yeah. That's. The reason. To do this."


"You shouldn't do dangerous things just to feel useful."


"I'll drag Magenta with me? Would that help?"


He thinks about it. Thinks about it some more. 



"Fine! Cool. That's doable." She thinks he's being a massive hypocrite what with how he has been accumulating Stats and Skills but whatever. "Toodles," she says, and zooms out of the workshop to tell Magenta about the plan. ...also to let command know that she got the Belt down, that'd be useful to do, too.


...he sighs.


It does take a little bit longer for her to be properly able to go out adventuring than that, because command wants a few more Belts plus properly cleaned-up schematics for them—no one but Gonie and Strasse can even begin to make head or tails of what she writes—but eventually she does in fact go out to kill some monsters, dutifully escorted by Magenta. She feels like Gonie's babying her a little, honestly, but she is secretly glad to have a healer around. She's never been out killing things before, and even though she'd finding that it's a lot less exciting than she'd been expecting, it's still better to be safe than sorry.

The Stats she's meditating on, as she sprays a concoction of her own making onto a small living cloud of poison gas to make it get too wet to be gas and then implode into itself as a barely-mobile sludge that she can easily stomp on, are mental reflexes first and physical reflexes second.


He looks, quite frankly, kind of bored. Lucky's not even properly getting hurt, he's just here for insurance.

"So why'd your boyfriend not come with you?"


"Who, Gonie?"


"Who else?"


"Why would he come? Poison clouds can't give him Stats. Or Skills."


"Iunno, spend time with you?"


She looks bewildered. "We spend plenty of time together in the workshop?"


"Is that what the kids are calling it nowadays?"

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