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Bonesaw and Beka outside of Angband
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Beka leaps awake and seizes Kat. What's wrong - She's sniffing the air but her first guess was fire and she doesn't smell smoke -


There's a spot of blood leaking through Bonesaw's underwear.


Can you sense any minds?

She starts deploying a colorless oderless knockout gas that she's immunized herself, Beka, and Kat to. 


- just us -


I'm bleeding, so someone attacked. Maybe long ranged - I can modify the Deerfriend to have better smell and see if it can find someone without risking me being ambused, give me a minute...



Are you sure you didn't just scratch yourself in your sleep or something?


Bonesaw glances down at her body briefly before returning to waking the Deerfriend up from the knockout gas she just used. 

It's underneath my underwear I don't see how I could have scratched myself there... Though no holes in it either so maybe that means it wasn't a normal projectile...


...Beka has known Bonesaw long enough to not suggest that maybe she should be more selective about masturbation implements but she can't really think of anything else.


... Oh.

Bonesaw stops working on the Deerfriend.

It's my time of the month... It's a thing human bodies to do, when they stop being kids... but I'm still a kid! And it should be delayed by consistent extreme physiological stress! ...I guess I haven't really fought anyone since the breakout, and that was after a long time of being safe too.... But I'm only twelv-thirteeen. Oh.



Human bodies just bleed for no reason?? She starts putting Kat back to bed.


It's part of um. Inappropriate reproductive things. For when you turn into an adult.

Bonesaw looks so sad about this. 


That's so weird, I don't think Elves do that and I know orcs don't! So probably if you ever want to reproduce you will still be able to even if you fix it so you don't bleed randomly.


Oh, yeah, I could fix it. I guess if I stop things from changing than I won't have to be an adult until I'm actually old enough....

She starts gathering supplies.


How old's that?


I dunno. When I know how to be responsible and things, I guess.


Oh, I was expecting a number but that makes sense.


Bonesaw puts a few more tools into a pile.

"Could you help me with some of the surgery?" she asks Beka very nicely.


"Of course, what do you need?" Kat's bedded down in the treehouse now.


Bonesaw can show her where to cut and how and what liquids to inject and how to prop things open to get at other things!


Osanwë makes giving precise directions so much easier! Beka does it all under the shell-lights, humming.


Bonesaw also occasionally picks up a tool with there's something delicate that Beka is having trouble with and does it herself - it's pretty obvious that she could in fact do the whole procedure much faster by herself actually.


It's an awkward angle but yeah. Maybe she just likes scalpel-wielding company.


She definitely seems to! And eventually they are done and she is hugging Beka tightly.

Thank you.




Sometime later the metal refining setup is complete and Bonesaw can weave strands of it together with bio-aramid fibers to create an elegant silvery mesh which she installs over Beka's more important organs.

"Think I should do Kat too?" she asks while she closes Beka back up along a now permanent velcro-like seem that she installed for ease of access. 


"Well, she's still growing, so probably not now."

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