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Bonesaw and Beka outside of Angband
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I guess that'd be convenient.

What're you working on today?


A sort of metal refining fungus, since I can't get metal from other places out here. Also trying to get another marshmallow type for the Lucky Charms shaped right.


Oh, how's it supposed to be shaped? She's coming back into view with her water haul and a fish she caught now.


Like the moon - oh I suppose you don't know what that is. The moon is a giant rock that goes around the planet I'm from and comes out at night and shines brightly. The Lucky Charms version looks like this:

Though the moon is only a crescent like this sometimes.


Huh. I could try to carve a mold for that shape?


Oh that would be helpful - my power isn't always cooperative about getting the exact shape I want Rather than some other shape it thinks is pretty.


I didn't know it thought things were pretty or not! She puts Kat in her shirt and sets about carving.


Bonesaw can return Kat's nose.

I'm pretty sure it does! Hard to tell but it adds pretty things when it thinks what I'm designing is otherwise boring.

After a few hours of working Bonesaw asks Beka what they'll be having for dinner.


"Fish and acorns!"



Bonesaw will happily set the table before dinner, humming a song to herself as she does.


Ooh, is it a pretty tune?

The fish is raw but Beka got most of the bones out and the acorns are shelled.


It is a pretty tune!

"You know you could cook the fish if you wanted?"

"But this is good too." Bonesaw hastily adds to be polite.


"It looked like your project was on the coals, I didn't want to risk moving it. Maybe we should have two fires?"


"Oh it would have been fi- okay actually it's probably good you didn't move it."

"Having two fires sounds good, I can change the fire suppression system so it will cover a second fire tomorrow."


"I'll get extra firewood. It'd be easier if I had an axe or something..."


"Hm... I can make it so that your ulnar bone has a reinforced serrated edge that you can push out of your skin when you need to cut wood?"


"I don't think I could cut down a tree that way. Maybe it'd work for sawing off branches but it sounds pretty awkward to be up a tree and using my arm to saw..."


"You can also use it as an axe if you swing it right? Also it'd be like, really sharp and a pretty long blade so it might be easier to saw down a tree with it than you think, so long as the tree isn't thicker than your forearm."

"Also it'd be a bone saw," Bonesaw adds, giggling.


"Most of the trees around here are thicker than that! Probably two fires isn't enough to need that much wood anyway though, I'm not having trouble finding stuff yet."


"Most of the trees aren't but I bet enough of them are, but if we don't need it yet I can work on my other projects for now."


"If you get metal refining maybe there'll be enough to make a regular axe."


"Oh yeah, I guess there will be."

Even if that sounds boring.

"Can you tell me another story tonight, like you did when we were in the hallucination?"



"Once upon a time there were three sisters. The oldest sister was clever and the middle sister was friendly and the youngest sister was brave.

"One day, their favorite grandmother disappeared! The oldest sister said, "I'll go look for her in the mausoleum. I'd know those teeth anywhere. And everyone winds up there sooner or later." So she went to the ossuary, and looked at skulls and jaws and tusks and molars, but couldn't find her grandmother's bones anywhere. Wherever she was, she hadn't been interred there.

"The middle sister said, "I'll go ask people from far away if they've seen her. She can't have gone too far, so someone may have seen her, even if they only got a glimpse while she was on her way." So she went to the far reaches of Angband, down in the sub-basements and up on the parapets and even out on the patrols, and told everyone about her grandmother and asked if they'd seen her, but no one told her anything useful.

"The youngest sister said, "I'll go ask the balrog." And her sisters said, no, no, don't do that! Don't bring down those firey whips on our family! Don't you know a balrog is just this side of his lordship? If our grandmother has been so much as noticed by a balrog, there's no saving her now! But the youngest sister was determined. She marched right up to the balrog who oversaw their part of the fortress and demanded to know if he had seen their grandmother. And then he ate her. The end."


"Huh, she didn't make the Balrog tell her where the grandmother went?"


"No, because he ate her. - I don't think they really eat but in the version I heard he ate her."

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