In the weeks after their escape Bonesaw is hard at work, building up a lab and growing food and splitting branches and stitching them into a scaffold so that they grow into a living treehouse.
"Hm... I can make it so that your ulnar bone has a reinforced serrated edge that you can push out of your skin when you need to cut wood?"
"You can also use it as an axe if you swing it right? Also it'd be like, really sharp and a pretty long blade so it might be easier to saw down a tree with it than you think, so long as the tree isn't thicker than your forearm."
"Also it'd be a bone saw," Bonesaw adds, giggling.
"Once upon a time there were three sisters. The oldest sister was clever and the middle sister was friendly and the youngest sister was brave.
"One day, their favorite grandmother disappeared! The oldest sister said, "I'll go look for her in the mausoleum. I'd know those teeth anywhere. And everyone winds up there sooner or later." So she went to the ossuary, and looked at skulls and jaws and tusks and molars, but couldn't find her grandmother's bones anywhere. Wherever she was, she hadn't been interred there.
"The middle sister said, "I'll go ask people from far away if they've seen her. She can't have gone too far, so someone may have seen her, even if they only got a glimpse while she was on her way." So she went to the far reaches of Angband, down in the sub-basements and up on the parapets and even out on the patrols, and told everyone about her grandmother and asked if they'd seen her, but no one told her anything useful.
"The youngest sister said, "I'll go ask the balrog." And her sisters said, no, no, don't do that! Don't bring down those firey whips on our family! Don't you know a balrog is just this side of his lordship? If our grandmother has been so much as noticed by a balrog, there's no saving her now! But the youngest sister was determined. She marched right up to the balrog who oversaw their part of the fortress and demanded to know if he had seen their grandmother. And then he ate her. The end."
Weird, Bonesaw isn't even touching Beka.
Search search search.
"I think I figured out what it is but I have no idea what's even causing her body to irritate her nerves like that - I can still fix it by making it so the thing stops being painful but I'll need to add some extra nerves to compensate so she can feel other things like normal."
Beka wears Kat around most of the time, usually on her back once she's big enough to hold up her head. She paints the treehouse, and walks on water to get to the best fishing spots, and collects nuts and berries and roots and eggs and animals for Bonesaw to render into whatever combination of dinner or materials suit her. Sometimes she comes up with project ideas in case they'll be distracting - Elves sometimes ride horses, what if this deer were rendered suitable for riding, it could have its own stirrups built in? What if these plants were even more responsive to the crop song than regular plants? Once there's a Lucky Charms production setup could they be introduced to other foods from Bonesaw's home too?
The deer idea sounds great and Bonesaw can make them go so fast and easy to ride! And she can give them really pretty and detailed antlers that branch in a fractal-like patterrn recursively so that you can't even see the smallest branches with the naked eye and also they are razor sharp as a side-effect of this.
The crops things is complicated and interesting and soon enough Bonesaw has figured out how to grow most vegetables in minutes with the song and some other hypergrowth modifications. She has to make some changes to Beka and Kat's digestive systems so the foods safe but that's easily done.
The Lucky Charms set-up is an ongoing long term project that she's going to keep spending a little bit of time on but not that much. She can definitely make mac'n'cheese for dinner one night! And for dessert there are intricate lollipops that take on the shape of iridescent shells a sea creature might live in.
Bonesaw glances down at her body briefly before returning to waking the Deerfriend up from the knockout gas she just used.
It's underneath my underwear I don't see how I could have scratched myself there... Though no holes in it either so maybe that means it wasn't a normal projectile...
... Oh.
Bonesaw stops working on the Deerfriend.
It's my time of the month... It's a thing human bodies to do, when they stop being kids... but I'm still a kid! And it should be delayed by consistent extreme physiological stress! ...I guess I haven't really fought anyone since the breakout, and that was after a long time of being safe too.... But I'm only twelv-thirteeen. Oh.
Sometime later the metal refining setup is complete and Bonesaw can weave strands of it together with bio-aramid fibers to create an elegant silvery mesh which she installs over Beka's more important organs.
"Think I should do Kat too?" she asks while she closes Beka back up along a now permanent velcro-like seem that she installed for ease of access.
"Mhm! I've also changed them around to be more aimed at knife wounds and brute force and retaining basic vital functions before I can get to you, since those are probably bigger concerns than being able to keep fighting after someone hits you with a laser beam or whatever."
It's true - Bonesaw doesn't mess up eyeballs on accident. ... Well okay she's actually messed-up a lot of eyeballs on accident but they weren't her sister's eyeballs, they were eyeballs she was paying much less attentions to and cared a lot less about.
"Can you hold these two parts apart from each for a bit?"
"Bit of the brain that means she can get powers - it's the first one I've seen here. Lots of people have them back home and there's no reason an orc can't get one but I guess there weren't any powers around to cause them to grow until I got here."
Bonesaw can route the synaptic hookup for the eyes around it to get at the bit of the amygdala where it's supposed to go.
Thread this bit into this lobe and then it's time close the head back up, putting some powder on the seems she cut into the skull and then licking them to activate the sealant so it'll be right as rain. Connecting the eyes is pretty easy now that the tiny organs are done boiling in the pot she put them in earlier.
"And all done!" she says as she drips three drops of liquids into Kat's eyes, causing them to briefly pulse with waves of each color Bonesaw installed before settling back down to their original black.
"Probably she'd inherit them from me - powers can do that even when people aren't biologically related. So it would be similar in some ways, especially in terms of what capabilities the agent that's providing the powers has, but possibly with some sort of refinements from how I've learned to use mine. Some of it will come down to how she triggers - she'll need a sufficiently stressful event to induce the connection and the circumstances around it will have a big impact on what shape her powers take. Though it'll take less since she's second gen..."
Bonesaw thinks for a moment.
"Her corona pollentia is probably too high up and deep for it to be a Tinker power? Not close enough to the bulk of the prefrontal cortex for the connections that typically develop as a result of that. Probably not Thinker either, for the basically the same reason, though it's less clear. I bet I could induce a Brute or Striker or Mover though... Trump too maybe though those typically ended up disappointing when I've caused them, which is really annoying since I'm a Trump and my power isn't disappointing at all... I suppose if she's a second gen off of my power she might get a neat Trump power like mine but I'm guessing no since my Trump aspects seem more like restrictions being removed than my agent having a lot more inherent abilities..."
"Oh um, Brute means strength and durability and is triggered by physical damage, Striker is a touch-based ability and is triggered by immediate simple stressors, Mover is movement and wanting to run away, Tinker is inventing and is triggered by mental stress that persists over subjectively long time horizons, Thinker is cognitive but not related to the same sort of inventing and triggered by briefer mental stress, and Trump is powers that interact with other powers directly and is from stress involving powers. Their are also a few other classifications and really the whole system is just an attempt to describe what's going on, not something inherent to how powers work. Except for Tinkers and Trumps which do seem to be pretty natural categories."
"graaaa!" and the dragon is doing his level best to shield his face and chest and from the spray with his front claw which isn't even helping! And he's trying to push himself backwards and with his back claws but that's hard when he's trying to do something else with his front claws!
Menawhile, Glaurung is investigating a tree. He did stop to look at any thoroughly on the way here but now that's he found Bonesaw he can take a break to figure out what is up with the green bits and whether they are gems or food or prey. So far checking has consisted of licking them, poking them with his nose, and attempting to gather enough to hoard them.
And Bonesaw can check around inside his mouth and get a syringe of liquid she has stored under a rib of hers and poke the needle in-between Glaurung's teeth and into the base of his skull. The dragon feels a strange sensation for a moment, and then the bacteria finishes consuming his brain.
"Hm, tommorow I can capture some deer so they follow us around for the day, the day after that they should be ready for riding? I can do it faster if we need to be far away sooner than that, but they wouldn't be as well made. They might break or need lots of repairing and I probably would find it harder to improve them later."
They can speed up to the point of not slowign them down within hours, and by dawn of the next day they are ridable.
"Do you want something to help you stay-up longer? I can combine our mounts into one Friend once we stop for a couple of hours I think, than we can take shifts steering."
After a while they can stop looking for ways to get farther away and start looking for places that look nice to stop at and settle into.
"That's a nice looking river," Beka says. It is, wide and slow and with shallow banks and lots of willows bending over it, plenty of fish. They can find a treehouseable stand of oaks just barely out of the sightlines on the water.
"I'd do some sort of seaweed I think..."
But that's not what comes first, first comes a basic campsite for that night and then a lab and in a few months there's fresh fish and a treehouse full of fruit and window leaves and glowing shells.
Bonesaw still needs to search for wild animals herself sometimes, if only because deer are better subjects for her work than salmon.
Nobody else has symptoms but that person over there is incubating it. And the guy coming back to camp with a rabbit has a blackening eye! May have held that rabbit too close to his face while it was dying.
He's gonna try to wake up one of the unconscious women and when he fails at this haul her over his shoulder to run away. Presumably he will be interrupted during this process.
Hm, she can get started on the incubatee. But to really properly treat the black eye she'd like more supplies...
Hey Beka I found some humans and they need fixin, can you come and bring everything in the medium sized green bowl from my lab? She makes public to Beka, along with her location.
Does glaring at him stop him from leaving?
Oh - I made them unconcious. ... It didn't occur to me they might be from my world because everything about them seems much lower tech than where I'm from - the one I checked havn't had any dental work done ever. But I guess they could be from the same world but somewhere that didn't have as much stuff? More likely from a different world though, there are a bunch with humans I'm pretty sure.
If she kicks him in the kneecap like this than his leg will go numb and that'll make it a whole lot harder for him and Bonesaw can drag him back to camp (she'll leave the woman he was trying to take on the edge of the encampment since she's not actualyl strong enough to drag two adults).
I don't know how many - lots. The world I am from only ever managed to contact one I think but there was a tinker who's power involved messing with multiple. I'm pretty sure I can't get to another all on my own, but I could think about it? I wouldn't get your hopes up.
She's trying to help you with some problems you were having -
Yeah he super does not believe that, that sounds super crazy. Hearing voices in his head at all is already a bit of a sign of a bad mental health day and if they're telling him that kicking out his knee and preventing him from running away from the carnage with his woman and stabbing him is helpful then the voices are even nuttier than usual.
"If I completely stopped doing arty things for a while it might start suggesting lots and lots of ideas or I'd find myself doing arty sort of things when I got even a little bit distracted. But even if that happens it's not going to stop working when I want to use it. It's a passenger, there in the background nudging and suggesting things, but I'm still the driver."
"n-" Bonesaw tries to start saying, her voice coming out quieter than she meant.
"Oh. I. Once. Gave everyone in a big family a virus that made them confuse violence and helping each other. And another time I made a baby into a spider monster and had it kill it's mom and didn't tell her it was her baby until she had already started fighting back. And I had a friend who was my age who Jack let me keep around for a bit and I made him forget about his family because he kept missing them and Jack didn't like that."
Her voice trails off around the lump in her throat.