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Bonesaw and Beka outside of Angband
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"And she couldn't... stop him?"


"No, how would she do that?"


"I don't know just uh, the bed time stories I'm used to have the person they're about doing the eating usually. Like if the Balrog was the main character instead of the girls."


"I guess you could tell it that way but it seems like a less interesting story if it's, one day a balrog may or may not have eaten somebody's grandma, and then a girl walked up to him and asked him something and he ate her."


"Oh usually it's more uh, a bunch of people were trying to get the Balrog to do a thing and it avoided them until one found it and it ate them. That sort of thing. Except not literally a Balrog - there aren't any of those where I'm from."


"Usually the balrogs don't have to do the avoiding."


"Yeah, Angband's nicer than where I'm from that way."


"There are lots of dumb brave people hassling whatever you've got instead of balrogs?"


"Yeah, lots of brave dumb people hassling me and the family I had there and trying to get us to stop doing things or ruining the things we do."


"I guess Angband'd be a nice change. Though I don't think anybody's likely to come bug us here either except maybe like his lordship once he's recovered."


"That's also neat! Though there's less material for my art here than there was at Angband so it's sort of a mixed bag."


"I think I was imagining you could do with the animals and fish and stuff. You got the treehouse to grow like that, I think that's super cool!"


"Yeah, and also you and me and Kat. Plenty of things to work with."


"Do you s'pose you could fix it so she didn't hurt all the time from being an orc?"


"Oh, sure! Uh, I've noticed that orcs seem to hurt a lot but not what causes it, but I can probably figure that out."


"I think it's 'cause their souls are like Elf souls and don't fit right in their bodies? I'm not sure quite how that works though."


"If the souls are feeling pain I don't know if I can do it but so far I've mostly not seen souls feel things except for maybe oaths and osanwë, so I bet it'll be fine."

Bonesaw inspects Kat's skin inquisitively. 




Bonesaw inspects things underneath the skin next - turning off all of Kat's pain before doing so since otherwise it might be distracting. 


Kat thinks it is HILARIOUS to have her pain turned off and cackles about it.


Oh that's so cute!

Is this the thing causing the pain? No... Is this the thing? .... Nope. 

Bonesaw continues searching for things for a while.



"Is she gonna have scars?"


"I dunno, think she should?"

What about this? Nope that was supposed to be that way whoops she'll put it back now...


"I think it'd be neat if she didn't."


"Kay, I'll do that then."

Squish squish. 

"Who can fit soooo much blood in their tiny body? You can! Yes you can!!"

Bonesaw pats the tiny baby head, getting some of the aforementioned blood on it.

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