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Bonesaw and Beka outside of Angband
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The guy seems like he'd rather break his own wrist than go where Bonesaw leads but whether this desire is effectual is not really up to him.


If she kicks him in the kneecap like this than his leg will go numb and that'll make it a whole lot harder for him and Bonesaw can drag him back to camp (she'll leave the woman he was trying to take on the edge of the encampment since she's not actualyl strong enough to drag two adults).

I don't know how many - lots. The world I am from only ever managed to contact one I think but there was a tinker who's power involved messing with multiple. I'm pretty sure I can't get to another all on my own, but I could think about it? I wouldn't get your hopes up.



Oh well. I wonder why a bunch of humans came here if they're not even from the same place as you which has already put a human here once!


Does your telepathy work if you don't share a language?


Sure! Not while they're asleep so much but I can translate when they start waking up.


A couple are awake so I can work on them, so you could ask them where they came from?



Beka takes a while to catch up to where Bonesaw's at but she's there eventually.


Bonesaw has fixed the incubator by then and gotten bored and attempted to make conversation with her next patient while she waits for Beka to bring the supplies.


The patient has given up on trying to escape but has replaced it with staring glassily at a tree dissociating as hard as possible so he's a terrible conversation partner.

In trots Beka. Do you want me to bounce their thoughts to you or just tell you what I get out of them?


Bonesaw injects the same drug she used when Beka dissociated after they escaped Angband. Hopefully it'll help him as much it helped her. 

Bouncing sounds good?


- oh, he can't tell you're trying to fix them at all -

Indeed the order of the day is more "wow that's a scary human-looking torturemonster that is taking out my whole tribe".


Oh. Bonesaw's smile disappears.

... Probably she shouldn't be surprised but she is.

Can you tell him I'm helping them?


She's trying to help you with some problems you were having -

Yeah he super does not believe that, that sounds super crazy. Hearing voices in his head at all is already a bit of a sign of a bad mental health day and if they're telling him that kicking out his knee and preventing him from running away from the carnage with his woman and stabbing him is helpful then the voices are even nuttier than usual.


But there's no carnage! 

I... Don't know how to convince him...


He might like it better if he were asleep like most of them?


I guess I can treat the black eye while he's sleeping...

One poke later the patient is asleep and she is working on peeling the damaged skin off the area surrounding his eye.


Yeah, now I'm not getting any upset off him at all.


Peel peel. Eventually it is time for replacing the skin.

Can you hold his eye away from the socket, like this?


Beka's totally competent to do that.


And then, with the help of the supplies Beka brought for her, they can fix the eye soon enough!


Should we just leave them sleeping?


I guess they might get eaten by a bear or something but assuming they don't they'd probably find it less stressful to wake up without us around?


I could give them some drugs for timed release waking up a minute after we left?


Yeah, that sounds like a good idea if you have those.

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