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Bonesaw and Beka outside of Angband
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Bonesaw has a vial on her for in case of orcs and she'll only use a bit instead of the full thing given that these are humans but regardless they should all be sleeping soon, unless they are very good at holding their breath.


They didn't even know they should be trying! They pass out.


Very considerate of them. 

Finally she can do a proper check-up on the sick one! How is her patient.


He has a flu. Also was not holding his breath so there's that on top of the flu.


Bonesaw can give him a a tiny dose of the no-sleep drug she gave Beka when they fled here, that should counteract the sedative and also wake him up.


He wakes up, frowns at her, looks around and startles violently at the sight of all his tribe members lying on the ground, and tries to get up and run away.


She will hold him firmly in place. 

"Say 'Aaaaaah'" she instructs, demonstrating for him.


He does not understand her and his wild-eyed fright does not involve saying aaaaah. It's more of a whining "hnggg" sort of noise.


Well, he'll have to open his mouth if he can't breath otherwise, so she firmly grabs his nose and scrunches it till the cartilage collapses.


Success! He is panting for air!


Goody! That'll give her the opening to inject some things into his tonsils that'll numb his symptoms for the next few hours.


You'd think he wasn't grateful for the free medical care at all the way he's having a panic attack.


Rude but not diagnostically relevant! She can set-up a blood transfusion with her secondary circulatory system to make sure he has better antibodies, even if he's moving around a bit while she does it.


He is actually trying pretty hard to flop-crawl away from her but maybe not enough to sabotage his medical outcomes?


She's a good bit stronger than him!


He hates everything about this, but ineffectually.


Well then she can finish up with him and check to see if anyone else needs to be cured of the flu.


Nobody else has symptoms but that person over there is incubating it. And the guy coming back to camp with a rabbit has a blackening eye! May have held that rabbit too close to his face while it was dying.

He's gonna try to wake up one of the unconscious women and when he fails at this haul her over his shoulder to run away. Presumably he will be interrupted during this process.


Hm, she can get started on the incubatee. But to really properly treat the black eye she'd like more supplies...

Hey Beka I found some humans and they need fixin, can you come and bring everything in the medium sized green bowl from my lab? She makes public to Beka, along with her location.

Does glaring at him stop him from leaving?


It absolutely does not; he's already going as fast as he can but if he weren't it'd speed him up!


Uh, I guess. Are they friendly? It'd be hard to keep Kat from getting hit if they're not but I don't wanna leave her.


Mostly they're not conscious so I don't know. I can keep Kat from getting hurt I'm pretty sure.

She can pretty easily catch him and grab his wrist to guide him back to camp for doctoring.


Did the way you got here make you unconscious, is that normal? She lets Bonesaw detect her approach.


Oh - I made them unconcious. ... It didn't occur to me they might be from my world because everything about them seems much lower tech than where I'm from - the  one I checked havn't had any dental work done ever. But I guess they could be from the same world but somewhere that didn't have as much stuff? More likely from a different world though, there are a bunch with humans I'm pretty sure. 


Whoa - how many worlds are there? Could we go to one? It'd make us much harder to find.

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