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Ann looks around at the crowded, drafty attic, full of coffee beans and junk. 

"... You live here?"


Akira doesn't open her eyes. 



"It's kind of... I dunno what to call it. It doesn't feel very you, I guess. It's safe, though, and Boss said we could meet here, and it seems like he cares, so it's got all that going for it."

He drums his fingers on his thigh for a moment.

"Hey Ann, does it maybe need...?"


"Decorations? Yeah, I think so. There's nothing so much as a band poster in here."


"What sorta stuff do you like, Akira?"



Akira blinks herself back to wakefulness. "Uh... Dissidia. Mystery books. Messing with computers."


Oh. Right. She needs to sleep. Ryuji shakes his head. "Get some rest, we'll talk about that tomorrow."

He looks over at Ann. "Do you need to help her get ready for bed or anything, or just wait until she's more rested?"


"It's not going to ruin anything if she sleeps in her clothes."

She's exhausted, but they've got to be ready for tomorrow. 

"Maybe we should try and figure out that grappling hook and let Akira sleep while we work on it?"


He nods. "Good idea. Morgana, what all d'we still need?"


They stretch at the foot of the bed for a moment. "I can repurpose loot from the shadows for most of it — the case and the hook especially. We'll need a couple springs and a bunch of paracord, though. None of the loot had anything like that."


Ann frowns. "Then we'd better hurry and get out to the shops, they're closing soon."


"Good thinking."


Ryuji nods and leads the way downstairs.


Ann follows. 

"We're just going out to the stops for supplies," she says to Sakura-san. "Be back as soon as we can."


He nods. "Don't mention anything if there are customers in here when you get back. Figure you're going out for the stuff for that grappling hook, right?"


"Yep. Wanna get that ready for tomorrow, take more of the prep burden off Akira."


He smiles faintly, then harumphs. "Off you get, then."


"Thanks for looking after her, Boss." Ann nods firmly and heads out.


The teens and Morgana make it to a craft store in time, and they're able to quickly find the remaining pieces Morgana needs with meowed instructions. Soon enough, they're heading back into Leblanc.


Ann nods to Sakura-san and heads through to the back stair. She's got a grappling hook to build.


Ryuji and Morgana follow after her. When they get upstairs, Ryuji quickly checks on Akira. Is she sleeping peacefully over there?


Akira's fast asleep, yep.


Good. Ryuji heads over to the workbench, pulls the tarp off, and starts moving the books stacked atop it into the shelves to get them out of the way. "Gotta make some room to work here."


Ann pitches in as well, her movements sluggish but determined.


Morgana would totally carry things if they could, but this body is small and cat-shaped. 

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