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Cute? He keeps steering her to the café, though. Almost there. 


Ann sees them coming and waves from her table. She'd help, but someone has to guard Ryuji's pack.


Ryuji's very glad to see Ann. He steers Akira to the table and gently lowers her into a seat. "Okay. We made it off campus." He breathes out a sigh of relief. And also effort. Akira isn't all that big comparatively, but she's still a whole-ass person he just hauled ten blocks.


Akira slumps forward onto the table for a moment, but then gets together enough energy to settle back against the chair and keep her head from falling against her chest. Her eyes are still glassy and unfocused, though. 

"... wha?"


He pats her on the shoulder. "Got away from school, trying to get you home next."


"Boss," she mumbles. 

She picks up one hand about a half-inch from the chair arm, then drops it as the effort becomes too much.



"What district do you live in?"


Morgana looks over at Akira, shakes their head, and turns to Ryuji. "Yongen-Jaya. She's probably too out of it to answer, though. I can help you get her there."


Ann chimes in. "That's a long train ride, with a transfer in the middle too. We can kill some time here and hopefully Akira will feel a bit better, but getting her back home's going to be tricky."


"Yeah, that's a long fuckin' trip. Gotta do what we gotta do, though. Maybe we get some food while we wait? Sucks she's too out of it to drink a coffee, or that might help."


Morgana nods. "It'll be hard, but I have faith in you two."


"Yeah. We can get something from the café. Here's your pack back, by the way." Ann passes Ryuji the bag under the table. "Want anything in particular?" 


"Maybe the salmon? You don't hafta cover mine this time, though!" He fishes out his wallet.


"Alright, if you want to split it I don't mind."

Ann looks over at Akira, then back at the café. "Pass, and I'll be back in a couple minutes with food."


Ryuji passes some cash to Ann. "Thanks, Ann. That enough to cover it?"


"Looks like it. Be back in a jiffy!"

And off she goes again.


He watches her go. Then watches Akira. Then looks down at the table for a moment before determinedly watching the bags. He's at a cafe, with two cute girls, one of whom spent the past twenty minutes slumped on him or clinging to him, and the other of whom is one of his best friends from middle school.

Oh, and they've been fighting through a magic mental world they just discovered yesterday, to stop their abusive volleyball coach.

What the fuck.


Ann returns ten minutes later with a pair of small salmon crepes on plates. She passes one to Ryuji, then sits and starts to eat. 

"So," she says. 

She pauses for a long moment. 

"It's been... quite the week. Quite the two days, really. But we're getting through it."

She looks away, then back at Ryuji. "You know, you're still pretty cool."


"Back at ya," he replies with a smile. "I've missed hanging out. Sure, maybe it took teaming up to fuck up the big bad for us to start again, but it's really good to spend time with ya."


"Yeah. You've always had a good heart, ever since we first met in middle school. It's too bad it keeps getting you into so much trouble."


He scratches the back of his head. "Yeah, s'led me to mouth off a bunch, sometimes to people I shouldn't've, but I never could stand to stay outta trouble when you an' Shiho were in it. Better we fight it together, right?"


"Yeah, I have to agree. You've been great these last couple days." She smiles, then goes back to her salmon crepe. 


He smiles back and goes back to his, too. These are good. He breaks off a piece and passes it to Morgana.


"Thanks!" Morgana snaps up the bite of salmon eagerly.


Ann's eating slowly. "... Want to talk Dissidia? It's been a while."

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