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a Nimire gets raped, because that is what Nimires do, but it isn't by a Serg this time
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He appreciates his lapful of whining squirming Mezeidai very much.


"You were right this is great," she says breathlessly the next time she has to come up from the kiss for air.


He grins. "Oh, good. I'm glad." Kiss. Wingsnuggle. Gently moving to reposition her in his lap, alert for any signs of reluctance.


There is a little nervousness but as long as he keeps kissing and wingsnuggling her and goes slowly it's fine.


He definitely keeps doing those things.

And— "may I—?"


"Please," she murmurs.


So he slowly and gently pulls her down onto his cock. (It's a perfect fit. He's an observant shapeshifter with very good healing senses; why wouldn't it be?)


She gasps in startled pleasure.


Kisses. Wingsnuggles. Magical pleasure. Slow gentle sex.


"So good, so good, oh..." she breathes, half whimpering.


"Good, I'm glad." He kisses the side of her neck. "You're lovely."

The magical pleasure is really starting to get intense now.


She squirms and whines and writhes and finally comes, shaking.


And he comes when she does, and holds her and watches with magic to make sure—

"There," he murmurs. "Whatever else happens, this won't be a child of rape."



Hug. So much hug.

"Thank you."


He wraps her in his wings and kisses her forehead.

"I wish it weren't necessary," he says. "Do I have your permission to - pretend to find out for the first time, later, that you're a half-demon?"


She considers this.

"Yes. I'm--not sure I understand why, though."


"What do you mean?"


"...I'm not sure what I mean either, at least not well enough to put it into words. Um. If you have any plans that hinge on pretending our interaction was other than it was I would appreciate if you would tell me what and why so I don't fuck it up? Are we pretending you didn't know but still--did what I asked how I asked--so there's something I feel comfortable--telling them, later, that's not a catastrophe if they're indiscreet..."


"...I could pretend that, but it would complicate things. If I control exactly when and how I 'find out', then I control how the message lands, and I can make sure the reaction that people have is 'horrified and apologetic and deeply disturbed', which I can hopefully leverage into rethinking the entire concept of abducting humans to rape and torture. If there's any hint that I knew ahead of time and planned that, then I look like a manipulative sneak and it gets much harder to, ah, be a manipulative sneak. And it would be very unlikely for me to have done what I just did without finding out. It's probably best if we pretend we didn't have this conversation at all, to everyone except Khythen and my boyfriends. Everyone else is sleeping in today to give Izaneth time to remodel the rest of the rooms. ...but if you strongly value being able to be open about where your child came from right from the start, I can probably come up with a version of events that works, if not necessarily as well as my original plan."


"I guess not right from the start,'s going to be very difficult to pretend to hate you. And. Depending on how this turns out--I have no idea if you have any interest in being a part of their life, but--if you do--"


...he nods. "All right. So. New plan: when we came into this room to do the remodeling, I noticed something didn't seem right but I couldn't tell what, so I stayed after Izaneth moved on, and as soon as I touched you I knew you were a half-demon, and I was horrified and apologetic and deeply disturbed, and I said everyone else would certainly feel the same way, but you had every reason not to believe me, so when I admitted what you were here for you asked me to do what I did so that whatever else happened you at least wouldn't be carrying a rapist's child. Does that hold together?"


"I think so, yeah. Does that mean I--stop hiding, now--"


"Yeah. And I stay with you until everyone else wakes up, because I didn't want to leave you alone for a moment in case someone else came in and - thought you still looked human enough..."

He hugs her, very gently, and murmurs, "I apologize in advance for - pretending I wouldn't otherwise have cared."


"I understand. I'm not thrilled, but--you're not the problem there."



He retrieves his pants and puts them back on and then sits beside her on the bed and hugs her some more.

"I'm going to be - protective and considerate and distraught," he says. "It's not exactly an act, it's more - refraining from hiding my feelings when I otherwise might."

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