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a Nimire gets raped, because that is what Nimires do, but it isn't by a Serg this time
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"Hey so what the fuck," says Izaneth.


"--I didn't know? I am. Still not completely sure Khythen wasn't just fucking with us."


He opens the door, steps back, and gestures to where Mezeidai is cuddled up to Talyr.

"Khythen was not fucking with you. You've been raping a demon this whole time."


He flinches. "How was I supposed to know," he says defensively.


"I don't fucking know, but I bet you that won't sound like much of an excuse to her!"


Mezeidai supports this argument with the Death Glare.


He flinches again. "Great. So do you have any bright ideas for what to do next?"


"'Find her a nicer room and then don't go near her' seems like a good first step," says Talyr.


"And if you don't have anywhere, I can make something," says Izaneth.


"...I guess." He shudders. "--This is horribly selfish, I know, but--I'm glad she's not flinching at every man's touch. Can you imagine trying to explain to your sister or cousin or just a female friend that we fucked up this badly and need her to come take care of it?"


"Yeah. You got kind of lucky for how unlucky you got."


"Yeah." He rubs his forehead. "...Should we be trying to figure out who her father is, do you think?"


"Do you want to know?" murmurs Talyr to Mezeidai.


She shakes her head minutely.


"Let's not, then."


"At least for now, yeah." He glances at her again, then looks away queasily. "If you, uh, had an idea of where to take her, I could--make sure there was no one in the way she might have to--"


"...We could make a new room off the hall between here and the exit," he says to Mezeidai. "And Izaneth and I could stay there with you - Kemar, too, if you trust him enough when you meet him - and you'd have one of us between you and the world at all times."


She nods. She seems mostly inclined to do as little actual talking as possible when there are rapists around.


"Cool, I'll do that then," says Izaneth. Out he goes.


The other demon leaves to shoo any of the others out of the area until she's been safely transported.


"So if I'm being generally accepted as An Actual Person now, do you know if I could maybe get clothes?"


"Yeah. Izaneth can make you some when he's done with the room. I myself am not capable of turning rock into cloth, at least not usable cloth."


"...He can do that?"


Talyr laughs softly. "With a little time and practice I'm not sure there's much he can't do. Except work nondestructively with living things; that's still hard for him. But he can turn just about anything into anything as long as the result needn't have a heartbeat."


"Huh. That's kind of amazing."

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