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a Nimire gets raped, because that is what Nimires do, but it isn't by a Serg this time
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"How fast do you think you can get me out?


"I don't know. Not necessarily very fast. I don't have a plan yet, I just have - a general idea of the constraints." He pauses. " would be easier if you were pregnant; they - concentrate less - on the pregnant ones."


"I'm sorry. I'd offer you better news if I had any."


"If I--well. It's not like I have any control over whether or not I get pregnant."



"I might," he says. "My magical specialty is healing; I could - arrange that you were in the right condition to catch."


She shudders. But:

"If you do this, do you think--you could get me out before they kill it? I'm not opposed to abortion per se but you said five or six months along..."


"I can't make guarantees, but I would be astonished if it took me longer than a month or two."



If I asked you to kiss me, why would you think I was doing it?"



He blinks, startled, and looks consideringly at her.

"...I'd expect you were looking for proof of goodwill."


"Well, not proof exactly, but as close as I have the ability to get right now."


"That's fair."



"Kiss me. Kiss me like I was a demon or you were a human. Kiss me like you want me to like it."


"All right."

He approaches the bed, and sits down next to her, and leans in and kisses her, gently and with a kind of quiet focus. Like there is nothing in the world as important to him right now as understanding exactly how to please her.



That's...better than she was imagining.

Softly, hesitantly, she kisses back.


He is definitely following her lead, both as regards the intensity of the kiss and in many other subtle ways. He wants to do exactly what she wants him to do, and he is very good at guessing what that is.


Ohhh yes good.

After awhile she breaks away.



"—ah," he says. "I apologize; if I'd known your secret was the sort of thing I could read at a touch, I would have warned you."



She reacts approximately like he just dumped a bucket of ice water on her head.


He moves away slightly, to give her some space, but doesn't stand up. "It's not something most people can do; it's my healing specialty again."


"...Okay but how many is not most."


"I've never actually met anyone with as strong a healing specialty as mine, and it was subtle even to me. I'm just good at picking up on subtle things."


She sighs and--


--relaxes a little.

"My mother was a--dropout priest," she says. "She got captured, and...she knew enough about how to hurt demons to escape with it. And then moved to an entirely different country so no one would think it was weird that she decided to be a solitary forest herbalist so no one would find out what I was before I was old enough to hide it."


"That sounds like it must have made for a difficult life. I'm sorry," he says.

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