Rosy Zelda Sue
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"What else is there... Robbie is set up in Akkala, studying the Guardians and other ancient weaponry. He is much less keen on sending me reports—well, both of them are, but Robbie worse at it—but I'm sure he will have something for you if you pay him a visit.

"The Divine Beasts... have been acting on their own. I do not know if that much was visible to you in the castle. They have not been overtly hostile, but something is very wrong there, I am sure... I meant to bid Link investigate, and with the two of you, it go all the quicker."


She nods. "I could sense the Calamity reaching out to them, but couldn't tell what it was doing exactly. We'll have to find out."


"Then... I would be delighted to sit here and reminisce, but this development has created a great many matters for all of us to attend to. Paya?"

    "Y... yes?"

"Could you take our esteemed visitors to see Verro and Claree, and then to the inn?" To Zelda and Link, "Visit me again tomorrow afternoon, and I can introduce a blademaster to you. Otherwise, feel free to come and go anytime, and peruse Kakariko Village's stores and amenities. Is there anything else you wish to cover now?"


She shakes her head and smiles. "I think we've covered everything urgent, and if I think of anything else I can always come back. Thank you for everything."


"Goddess be with ye."

Seemingly to the air, she says, "Cado, can you call for Steen? Non-urgent."


The other girl comes over by the door, fidgeting awkwardly as she waits for them.


Zelda is happy to follow their guide.

She remembers to look at Link as they leave; she got caught up in the sheer relief of speaking to Impa again, but it's important to keep an eye on Link to make sure she knows how he's feeling and can guess if there's something he might want.


He did not really follow a lot of that—the word "Divine Beast" has been thrown around a few times now, but he's still unclear what they are, apart from things which can be corrupted by Ganon?—but he's pleased that they're acquiring better swords and have some sort of direction now.

He's also reminded again that most of the people Zelda used to know, most of the people he used to know, though he doesn't remember... if they're not dead after a hundred years, they'll look like that, an entire life come and gone in their absence.

He's too adrift to really feel anything about it, but he doesn't know how it's going to affect Zelda. She seems fine now, but...


Paya leads them out and down the stairs, past one of the guards coming up the opposite way.

Once they're out on the grass, she mumbles, "I'm... Pa... Paya! Lady Impa's granddaughter. I'll... take you to our head smith and the clothing store... you already knew that."

She seems unable to meet their eyes. Or maybe just Link's?


"It's good to meet you, Paya! I appreciate your help."

She should say her name. Why is it so hard to say her name? Paya must know it if she's been paying any attention. Nothing will be lost and politeness will be gained.

She doesn't say her name.


"O... okay. Just this way, then."

Paya leads them down a path, passing more homes and stores, until the village thins out and they come up on a pair of stone doors set into the mountain rock.

She squints through round peephole and takes a deep breath. Then she takes a step back and makes a hand sign. There's a poof and she's suddenly wearing a worn set of flameguard armor.

"phew, that worked... I'll be back in a moment!"

Then she heaves the door open, letting out a blast of heat ("eek!"), and darts in, closing the door behind her.


"Can they all do that?"

Whatever "that" is.


"You know, I'm not sure. But it seems like the sort of thing that would be useful to learn."


"Your learning powers," he recalls. "The old woman was good."

Not the worst to learn from, he means.


"The old woman? Impa?"


The one who spooked us outside the village."


"Ah! Yes, I see what you mean."


After a short time, the door opens again, and Paya comes out, followed by a young man not wearing any protective gear, despite the heat washing past him. He gives them a dead-eyed look and crosses his arms as Paya closed the door behind him.

"What," he says.


"I asked Lady Impa to introduce me to the village's craftsmen because I have a trick for saving materials," she says. "Do you have anything you'd like more of, and can I see it for a moment? I can also demonstrate on something I already have but that might be less useful."


They also want swords! He doesn't say anything.


He looks searchingly at her face for a moment before his eyes drop to her Sheikah Slate, then to Link's.

He narrows his eyes. Open his mouth, pauses, then scowls.

"Give me a minute," he says.

He goes back into the mountain, slamming the door behind him, and comes out a minute later with a brick of metal in a hand. He sticks it out to Zelda.


"Thank you!"

She takes it. She puts it in her pocket. She pulls it out of her pocket and hands it to him.

She pulls it out of her pocket and hands it to him again.


(oof owie the brick is hotter than it looks. not literally scalding hot though)

He looks downright offended as he stares down at the identical blocks in his hand.

"I want as many as you can make. And coils of brazing gold. Vitreous baddeleyite. What do you want?"


"A sword," she says, with a slight nod to Link, and hands the smith another block of metal while she's at it. The heat does sting her fingers a bit, but she manages not to show it. "I can make you more of anything I can borrow for a moment."

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