Rosy Zelda Sue
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"Forest spirits? Like the Great Fairies?"

Claree is a little hazy on old myths. She's a woman of the modern era! She has no time for silly stories. Though now she's wondering if she should've paid more attention to her grandma's old tales.

"Ooh, can you do that with actual clothes, too? Stealth suits take so long to make, I swear. And we could use a lot more weatherwear as well! Oh, and I've been working on these boots—I'm no old man Chiese down the street, but he has such an old-timey design sense, that silly geezer. If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself!"

She scurries around and comes up with a pair of fur-lined boots.

"Warm, waterproof and stylish! You can barely see the spiked treads!" She turns a boot sole-up so they can see. "It makes me feel so bad to see those Hylians tottering around in their sorry state, you know. Everybody should has the right to be comfy and fashionable."


"I absolutely can!" She pockets and unpockets and unpockets and unpockets the boots.


"Eee! Thank you!"

She scoops the boots and starts packing them away.

"Maybe we get the trade routes to Lanayru going again. I have an order from a tailor I've been corresponding with. The Zora make the most amazing stuff, you know... they must, when they get to hone their craft for centuries. I'm so jealous! I wish I could live as long as they do."


"Don't we all," she agrees. Fabric continues to pile up in front of her.

( occurs to her that nothing is stopping her from living as long as the Zora. Longer. As long as she likes.

She thinks about Impa, tiny beneath her enormous hat, and quietly files away an intention to figure out how to bring that gift to everyone.)


Enchanted is stocked up on materials enough for years and years of amazing projects at this point, so Claree switches out some luxurious coats, snappy day wear and other merchandise for Zelda to clone, if she's willing.

"Hyrule is going to be better dressed than it's ever been in all of modern history," she cackles. "If I have to make it."


Link, in the meantime, is poking around the displays. The stealth suit is interesting. He can feel the difference when he rubs it between his fingers. The cloak tempts him, but it's not ergonomic enough to use. The fashion he can take or leave, but some of these coats might be good for harsher weather. He's also eyeing those boots Claree had Zelda copy, but he can fob one of Zelda later if he wants.


"See something you like, little guy? If Wonder Girl here can copy it, you can have it!"


She giggles delightedly at the nickname, and continues piling up outfits, with an inviting gesture to the stealth suit Link is looking at if someone would like to add it to her input queue.


Stealth suit!


"Now for that one I should correct for you before you walk off. Lemme take your measurements."

Claree grabs a measuring tape and waves Link over.

"You know, we used to be forbidden from selling these to outsiders. It was my mother who first talked Lady Impa into allowing it! What use is technology if not shared?

"Of course, she got assassinated by the Yiga Clan for it, but, well, that's how it is sometimes."


"I'm sorry," she says, hoping she will manage a 'sorry to hear that' tone although in fact what she means is 'I could have prevented that and I didn't'.


"Don't be! I can only dream of dying for the cause of fashion and progress, not getting all wrinkly and old like our Lady. Dying peacefully in your sleep is the worst way to go."

She makes a bleh face.

"There we go, all done!"


"Verro said you can send him my measurements?"


"Of course! About time the boy loosened up and made something other than swords and discount bricks."


"It's been lovely meeting you!" she says. "I'm glad I could help out."

The thought occurs to her that she could ask for a stealth suit of her own.

It seems like That Would Be Weird, and after all, now that she's copied one, she probably can automatically size it to fit her if necessary. That seems like the sort of thing her strange powers might be capable of. (If it's even magical enough to qualify as something she can't create out of thin air, which she's genuinely unsure about.)

So. Is it the sort of time when they should be getting on to the inn, or an earlier sort of time than that?


"Thank you for everything! Come back any time!"

Claree hands over the corrected suit and waves them goodbye. Paya, who's been doing an excellent impression of not existing this whole time, holds the door for them.


Paya speaks once they're back on the street.

"Do you want to be shown to the inn, or is there anything else you want to do?"

It's late afternoon and the sun is about setting.


"Hmm... if you don't mind, I think I'd like to buy some groceries before we get settled at the inn. Always nice to have more food in my magic pockets."


"J...just this way!"

Paya takes them down again, past the Chief's residence, and to the front of a short pagoda. she slides open the double doors.


An old woman and man are murmuring to each other behind the till, and don't seem to notice them coming in.

Paya sighs. "Ah, they're at it again... You can pick out what you want first? People usually pay on checkout."

There are spreads of fresh vegetables and fruits on the tables, and towards the wall, some pastries and breads. They're a bit sparse, it being towards the end of the day, but everything is in stock.

A lot of it is... the same as what Zelda already pirates off Maru at the stable. Carrots, pumpkins, so on. It looks fresher, though. And the pre-made foods are new.


Always good to add to her selection. She'll take a little of every ingredient, assuming they don't have some incredibly rare fruit squirreled away that's going to cost thousands of rupees. They don't, right?

As for prepared foods, she looks to Link for advice; he knows the practicalities much better than she does. (And she'd rather get food he likes, if she's going to be pulling it out of her pockets on the trail.)


No, the produce section is just produce. The more potent effect-giving plants are pricey, but the most expensive goes up to 60 rupees or so.

As for the prepared foods—


The thing about cooking on the go is that a competent chef can fry, sauté, poach, simmer, broil, grill, and sauce and spice to their heart's content. But it's far more difficult—not impossible, but difficult—to bake something adequately without a real, stationary oven that you've learned and know like the back of your hand.

In other words, Link does not bake. He hasn't invested in the skill, and if he did he wouldn't have had much opportunity to deploy it.

In yet other words, yes he would like all the pastries enpocketed please.

It's not all for fun. These breads are made with fortified pumpkin flour, and there's that speedy carrot cake, and croissants made with rich filling butter imported from Hateno, and that exquisite lotus flower jelly is over a hundred rupees but oh so enticing. It's not as efficient as the best animal-based boosters, Link gets the sense, but he doesn't have mighty fishcake at hand, and he does have this mighty seducing bakery spread in front of him, first in over a hundred years.


Zelda will happily pirate purchase all the pastries Link's heart and/or stomach may desire. They have the funds for it, after those elixirs they sold at the stable.


(Yeah, one difference between pastries and crafting materials is they can't really go back on the shelf after being in your pocket.)

The old lady is grinning ear to ear as she nudges the old man, who's fussing over her calluses. They still haven't registered their customers.

Paya wrings her hands. "Ah... sometimes we just... put down some rupees and leave."

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