Rosy Zelda Sue
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"But we don't have any maracas of our own," she says, very reasonably. "And even if we did, we don't have any seeds to fill them with!"


"You're right," Hestu says, disappointed. He perks up again. "But wait, I know music that doesn't need maracas!"

He puts his maracas away and does a little clapping dance and begins to hum a cheerful tune.


...Where did Hestu put his maracas away, exactly?


In his bags, of course! The ones he's wearing.


Those maracas don't fit in those bags.


I don't understand what you mean. Hestu opened the flap on his bags, put the maracas through the opening, and closed the bag.


Link looks at Zelda for help.


Zelda will wait politely for Hestu to sing the song, because being rude to this creature would break her heart.


Then she says, "I think I might have a guess about what some of the ways of the forest are!"


"Oh? Tell me tell me!"


"When you put your maracas away in your bag, it didn't look like you needed to worry about how big the maracas are and how small the bag is. Most people do have to worry about that when they put things away in bags! Do you know a special trick for putting things away so neatly that they can fit in spaces smaller than they are? Because if so, I bet that counts as a way of the forest!"


"Huh?" Hestu looks confused. "It's not that I don't have to worry, I'm just good at packing!"


"I think most people aren't nearly as good at packing as that. It counts!"


"Oh... do you want me to teach you, then?"


Did Link know this before, is that why he feels like he can't carry as much as he used to?


"I think we'd really appreciate that!"


Link nods firmly.


"Shokay! Why don't you show me how you pack your bags now?"


Link has been meaning to reorganize his food. He can unpack and repack his meals as a demonstration.


Zelda can pull her supply of Normal Non-Counterfeited Rupees out of her pockets and put them back in. She has an elusive sense that she might actually learn something useful and important here despite her existing pocket shenanigans.


"You're right, shoko... you're very bad at this." Hestu scratches his chin. "The first thing you're doing wrong... orientation! You need to pack your things parallel to the walls of your bag, so you can easily squeeze more in between them later!"

He pulls out some fishing netting from his bag and attempts to demonstrate, explaining the steps as he goes. Not all of the words he's saying makes sense, but the movements seem possible to follow? It's obvious once you see it. There's definitely more wooden slips packed into the netting than ought to be possible.

"Tada! Why don't you give it a try?"


Link gives it a go. It's maybe working? He makes an extra half-finger-width of space in his food compartment, but he's not sure it's because of Hestu's lesson or simply ordinary better packing. Or maybe there's not a real difference? He was confident Hestu was doing something magic before, but after listening to him explain, Link it's not so sure now.


...and all of a sudden it clicks.

"Oh, I get it," she says earnestly, rapidly re-filing her bona fide rupees. It just feels obvious that if you... and then... yes, there! The contents of her pockets are so compact, a skill which she will literally never need! Except possibly for concealing how terrifyingly rich she is!

...except, wait. Having packed her things so neatly, she now discovers that their layout blazes in her memory, an indelible map of exactly which things she put where. This matters not at all when her pockets are full of nothing but numerous largely identical gem chips, but... click... she can extend the same principle to her hidden inventory, letting her cleanly browse all available items without having to physically fish around in her pockets for them! Eee!!


It is at this point that she remembers about Dragon Fairy Elf Witch.


Link watches her packing, trying to figure out what Zelda's doing differently.


"Shala-kala! You got it so quickly! I thought this would take a few decades for sure!"


"Sometimes I learn things really fast," she says. "Thank you very much for teaching us! We'll keep an eye out for more of your seeds."

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