Rosy Zelda Sue
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It doesn't take long on the road to get to the bridge—still the same stone bridge as before, if more dilapidated and moss-grown—and then they're traveling the mountain path. They pass some others on the way, but it's largely quiet. Even in the old days, this route wasn't bustling with trade, but it wasn't nearly as... dead.

The horse does seem to listen to instruction somewhat, only requiring some work from Link to keep headed in the correct direction. It helps that it's determined to keep up with Zelda and seems a little distressed when it can't quite match her maximum speed.


She slows her pace accordingly. It would be pointless to leave her partner in the dust, and also she doesn't want to make Starless sad.


...Starless has a suspicion that Zelda is humoring her, and keeps turning to check on Zelda if she falls back, but lets it be. The path climbs and slowly opens up to a great view of the gushing waters of Lake Siela and its bordering hills.


And there's also this guy.






Link looks at Zelda questioningly. She the one not missing memories here; it took him a while to remember what a Bokoblin was.


"...I think..." She's squinting at the trees on top of the guy's head. "I think that might be a forest spirit? We should probably talk to them."


"...Like the Koroks?"

He can see it, now that it's pointed out. He'll direct Starless to follow Zelda towards the thing.


"I think so."

She approaches the being and attempts a friendly smile. "Hello!"


The broccoli being jumps.

"Sha—shaka! You... you can see me?"


"I can!" she agrees.


"Shala-zah! It's been one hundred years since anyone could see me! I'm Hestu, and I need your help!"


"I'm generally in favour of helping people. What do you need our help with?"


"The monsters over there... through that crack..."

He(?) points up the path, where a gap is visible in the rock.

"They stole my beloved maracas! Without them, I can't make any music... I've been shaking them since I was two years old..."


"Oh no!" she says, very sympathetically.

(And looks at Link, trying to gauge how enthusiastic he is or isn't about Maraca Quest.)


He shrugs. He's curious enough about this being that he's willing to check this out, at least.

"You know the Koroks?"


"The children of the forest? I used to be one of them, you know? But I haven't seen any of them in a long time... I think they're hiding from me, but I don't know why!"


"Mysterious!" she says. "Well, we can see about trying to get your maracas back from the monsters."


"Thank you so much! I've been waiting so many years for someone to help!"


They should not take Starless with them. He dismounts, and... there's no nearby post to tie her to.

Hestu looks pretty heavy.

"...Can you hold on to our horse while we look for your maracas?"

Unless Zelda has a better idea.


...seems legit. Some risk of unexpected problems but less risk of unexpected problems than leaving her loose. Zelda cannot figure out how to improve on it.


Onwards, then.


The gap in the rock is larger close up. Through it, they can glimpse some Bokoblins chattering to each other, one of them bearing the blue coloration of the stronger variant.


Link is climbing up top to get a better view. He cocks his head: stay back or come with?


Well, this part's just climbing. She climbs.

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