Rosy Zelda Sue
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"Okay!" Beedle is delighted. "Bottles still need to be paid for, of course. Ten rupees a pop. How many do you want?"


They should probably not buy one bottle and then be seen using ten a few minutes later.

He raises three fingers, then rethinks his glassware situation and amends it to five.


"Five." She counts out fifty rupees, from inside of her pocket, which is where she put the rupees, and halfway through the process she notices what she's doing, and determinedly continues counting out her actual rupees that she got by selling real mushrooms instead of becoming a reckless counterfeiter on the spot. If she becomes a counterfeiter she would like it to be after careful consideration rather than on impulse.


And they successfully acquire their goods!


Link is beginning to feel that this "create elixirs to sell for rupees" plan is a bit redundant as he realises that Zelda can just buy an elixir like the one they just acquired and duplicate it that way. Or any other type of trade good.

But they have a pot of aqueous filtrate sitting in a cooking pot, so he might as well see this through.

He does ask Zelda if he can look at the toughness potion while they're heading back.


She's happy to hand it over, though her mind is mostly occupied by thoughts of currency duplication.


The elixir looks... okay? No solids, no separation, a bit on the dilute side, and there's only a hint of diffraction rings when he holds it up to the sun.

He's trying to grasp for reference points that he doesn't remember, but the vague impression he gets is—he can't do better than this with a cooking pot and bottles, he can probably do as well with a proper kit.

It would barely get a passing grade—in—

He doesn't know where it wouldn't get a passing grade in.


"How good is it?" she asks. She remembers him being very well-versed in both making and assessing potions.


"Good travel quality," he decides is the word that comes to mind. "Not... distillery quality." He thinks about the sorry state of weapons he's seen around. "Maybe standards regressed."

He finds that a little displeasing.


"You can make better ones, then, when we find you better tools."


"And ingredients," he concedes. "This is very potent, just not perfectly pure."


Their pot is undisturbed when they get back to it.


Link checks that everything is in good state.

"Can I have the ingredients? It'll only be ten minutes."


She passes him the stuff, and sits down on the ground, and pulls an Extraneous Rupee out of her pocket and looks at it contemplatively.


Link notices, but decides to give her some time to work it out.

He neutralizes the solution with the spirits of salt and a bit of weed he's only now remembering the use of, scrapes out the precipitate, then adds a fifth of the oil, stirs up the mixture, waits for it to settle, and decants the oil off into the small bottles. He repeats until he's out of oil, then pours the decanted oil into the jar, adds a bit of water into the jar, shakes it up, decants the water back into the pot. After a bit of squinting, he gives it a final round of filtering.

The product is a slightly clouded, blue-green concoction that iridesces in the light.

He puts them into the bottles.

The pot goes back on low heat to evaporate. He offers the elixirs to Zelda.



"We should see about selling these here; we can always 'make' more on the road." She discreetly checks if anyone is close enough to hear her clearly. "I'd much rather pull infinite elixirs out of my pocket than infinite rupees. Elixirs do more to help people."


Link nods. Hesitates, then suggests, "Clothes? Harder to disguise, but..."

The people around aren't dressed poorly, per se; their clothing is in reasonable condition. But it is, on closer inspection, not professionally made compared to what even a lot of commoners in Castle Town back in the day went around in, not to mention compared to the machine-manufactured stuff of Rosy's world. (Link has the impression that handmade clothing takes a lot of labor hours, though he doesn't have the vocabulary and concepts to think of it in those terms.)


"Mm." She nods acknowledgment, thinking ahead. "We didn't really bring enough luggage here for selling clothes to make sense, but if we manage to get you a horse, we can start selling clothes out of your saddlebags."


Right. They were going to get a horse.

"I'll dig a hole to bury these," he says, pointing at the mess in the pot.


She nods. "I'll see about selling the elixirs? I'd better wait for you before I try anything horse-related; you're much better with them than I am."


Does she want to try selling to the merchant she met earlier, or Beedle inside, or a new woman just now coming in on her horse-driven wagon, or some of the adventurer-looking folks with weapons and light armor hanging around the campfires?


How about she tries Beedle first since he was so helpful, but then additionally goes outside and asks Maru if he'd like to buy a few (that she just duplicated). Nobody here is watching closely enough to be keenly aware of their batch sizes.


Beedle will happily buy a few, but mainly for his own use and in case someone specifically asks for it. He doesn't really do elixir sales.

Maru will buy their elixirs, and is a little surprised that their amateur potioneering is not so amateur after all.

"Not quite Zora stock, but travelers aren't picky," he says, lifting a vial to the sun. "I'll give you four hundred rupees each. I'll be honest, they'd run five hundred if they came from an alchemist, but I'm not going to lie to my clients and say I didn't get them from a couple of teenagers at a stable."


"Very reasonable!" she says cheerfully. Maru can buy five elixirs at four hundred rupees each, then, whereupon she will immediately turn around and spend some of that money buying one or a few of each ingredient he sells. (She feels that Precisely One Each would look weird.)

And now that she's flush with cash, she can find Link and see about that horse.

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