Rosy Zelda Sue
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"...I don't know how to say what's important. You're clearly still you. If you don't urgently want your memories back I think it's fine to deprioritize them. In which case I think the next thing to do is look for more shrines outside the Great Plateau."


"What do the shrines do? I feel... greatened, after I receive their reward. But I don't feel—restored, or stronger, or more vigorous."


"I'm not entirely sure. We never managed to open one, before. But it seemed clear that the shrines were meant to give you something that will help you defeat the Calamity."


"We'll see."


She nods.

"All right. Then let's see if we can spot any nearby shrines from up here, or if that doesn't work, the top of the tower."


It's a good plan. Straightforward.


...feels like they're missing something.



After a few seconds, it occurs to him.

"...We're homeless."


"...that's true," she admits. "Though by using the slates to transport between the shrines we've found, we could make a home of Father's little cabin, for lack of better options."


He doesn't mind, but if the princess and him are going to be at this for a while, she can't be sleeping on straw and wood.

Also, there's only one bed.

"Are there no better options?" A horrible thought strikes him, as he abruptly realizes the only two human beings he's seen since he woke up have been dead and trapped in a castle for 100 years respectively. "Is no one still alive?"


"...I don't... actually know," she admits. "There are some settlements that I expected to see survive this long, but I didn't look for them on the way here, so it's hard to be sure. I think there should still be people somewhere."


"We can do shrines on the way to the nearest settlement?"


She nods. "Good plan. I'd say we should try Kakariko Village first, then."


Then they can head down the mountain... Link looks at the paraglider.

"Do you know how to glide?"


"Yes. I don't need it, though, because of my strange powers."


"You're going to run?"


"I might also be able to make my clothes into a sort of glider. And I expect to be very advantaged at safe landings."





She nods, turns—between one blink and the next her cozy coat becomes a sort of cape situation—and takes to the air, gliding lightly down the mountain and over the plateau.


He follows her, leaping off the mountain peak and snapping out his paraglider.


They soar through the air together. She's pretty sure she remembers the way, though the details are fuzzy after all this time, and landmarks have suffered some wear and tear in the course of the apocalypse.


They have to touch down before they're at the edge of the plateau, and then the wall gives them another departure point from the ground.

Link takes in the ruined landscape of Hyrule as they glide. The sight puts a strange twinge in his chest, like something about it ought to evoke loss, if only he remembered what it was he had.

But again, they can't stay in the air forever. There are Moblins down in the field ruins, and Link dives ahead to take care of them before Zelda lands.


She does a slow circle in the air above him, watching. It feels strange. Especially since her battle powers keep providing her with helpful tactical analysis, which usually suggests doing more or less exactly what Link does half a second later.


Link will still be looting the bodies when she lands. He speeds up once she's down, and in a few more seconds is back in resting pose with his swords sheathed, awaiting directions.


She shakes out her hair, which has remained improbably Perfect, and sets off.


They'll manage to glimpse the telltale glow of some shrines in the distance, which Link will mark in his Sheikah Slate, but they're mostly too far to make a detour for.

The direction they're headed there's a Sheikah Tower, overshadowed by the the Dueling Peaks rising behind. The monsters thin out as they travel past what used to be where border patrol ended and the highway began, and now is merely a bridge to both sides wilderness.

That's where they find their first item of interest. Well, two.

A orange-lined shrine by the road, set against the hill.

And a man in simple clothing and a well-made travel pack, peering off the bridge in the direction of Hyrule Field.


She perks up a little when she sees such a definitive sign that there are still people living in this world.

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