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golarion gets a better love deity than calistria
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She's seen the conditions herself. These are her sisters. 

She prays quietly to Milani.

Then she goes to each brothel in turn. 

It's foolish of her, honestly. She's only second circle. This will ruin her career. Many of the people she will be meeting with are not even freedwomen. 

She does it anyway.

It's the right thing to do.


They come to her, one by one. They seem to be led, haphazardly, by one of the common girls who she's always seen smoking a pipe. Aya, was her name. The pipe makes her nauseous each morning - Kumi has used remove sickness on her a few mornings when she has had no-one else to treat.

Her teeth are not so good. Her fur is matted. She is wearing her work clothes, a ratty dress that exposes too much. 

There are others with her. Some of them are breaking curfews set by their pimps.  

They gather around her in a disused lot in one of the worse parts of the city, all looking at her expectantly.


"It's not fair," are the words that come to her lips, looking at them like this. 

"It's not fair that I get the protection of a goddess and a cushy soft job servicing the rich, while all the rest of you suffer. It's not fair that I have to talk my way past half your owners just to tend to your illness, even though they should care about the health of their so-called property. It's not fair that our profession means we're reviled and looked down upon. None of it is fair. We are our own people."

She crosses her arms. "I know every one of us has learned much from what's happened to us. The cruelty of the world. The care that sometimes comes unexpectedly. The joy and the pain of sexuality. Shelyn speaks of love but won't shield us. Calistria speaks of revenge, and blood for our hurts - but I know that only brings more suffering, and in the end death. We can be better than that. The Lady of the Blackberries knows us. The Lady of the Blackberries sees the art in sexuality, the power in it, the joy. She shares in it. She bolsters it. She has given me magic so that I can fuck better, half the time. Because she knows I love it. Because it satisfies something in me. But I know that it has not been a joy for all of you." 


The crowd listens. Some of them nod. They stay quiet.


She crosses her arms. 

"Why is that? It is because I can have the sex I want and you cannot. You're forced into it. I choose my clients. You suffer whoever you must. I get to pick. That should not be different. And every woman who's raped or felt up or fucked with by some asshole - they shouldn't be forced into it either. Calistria is right about that, at least. We should all get to pick. That's freedom. The Lady of Blackberries cares about freedom. And with, I hope, Milani's blessing, we can find that freedom. Together." 

She casts Find the Faithful. It tells her these are the Lady of the Blackberries' people. After a moment, it tells her each and every one is. 

It's a strange thing to look over this crowd and be responsible for them all. 

"Go," she says. "Quickly, before you're discovered. Remember each other's faces. If you see another in trouble, help. If you have coin, spare it to free those who need it. If you have shelter that's secure, offer it. We are only whores. We are replaceable if we vanish. No-one will spend scries on you. If you can, make your preparations and go." She tosses her coin purse to Aya. "I make enough to survive without this. Split it with those who need it." 


Aya snatches the coin purse out of the air and nods sharply. She starts disbursing funds to the slaves among them, counting out enough coins for passage for each one.


A guard is coming down the street. 

She is willing to be caught. She is a cleric, and is, after all, only talking. But some of these women are slaves and should not be out after dark. 

She casts Tap Inner Beauty and goes down the street. 

"Good afternoon, sir." She bows her head respectfully. 


Aya looks over at the guard, and the group of worshippers starts to quickly disperse in all directions. 


"What's this then? A gathering after dark in this part of town?"


"I was merely attending to my followers," Kumi says. "It is a small church, associated with Shelyn's. We have yet to have a church building."


"So you meet on the poor side of town in a random disused lot?"


"Many of my worshippers are poor, sir, and some are sick. I prefer to come to them, as I am often more mobile than they are. It was simply the most convenient place."


"You're dressed like a lady. What is that symbol at your neck?"


"A blackberry, sir." 

She only needs to stall a little longer. 

"If you speak to the priests of Shelyn you will surely hear that I am not lying, sir. I am willing to repeat my statements under truth spell if you do not believe me."


He harrumphs. 

"I think I will ask you to do so, madam."


She will happily let herself be led away by the guard. 

Her people are safe. That's all that matters.


Some of their masters are kind enough to let the matter pass. 

Some of their masters are asleep already, and will not notice their departures or returns.

The rest... are distracted.

She does what she can outside Cheliax, too. And these women may change more than they know.


She is taken to a temple of Abadar, and a priest casts Abadar's Truthtelling on her.

"Repeat your questions," he says to the guard.


An illusory key snaps into place over Kumi's forehead.


"Why were you meeting with those women in an abandoned lot in the middle of the late evening?"


"We share a common faith in the Lady of Blackberries, and it was the best place to meet. It's close to where they work."


"Who is this Lady of Blackberries? What is her alignment?"


"I don't know for sure. Neutral Good, I think. She could be Chaotic."


"But not evil?"


"She grants me a positive channel energy. An evil deity could not do that."

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