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native Fëanorian Amentans
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"One of the real estate people?" asks Shasali. "To some blue who is less related to you?"


"Yeah that's the idea. Aitim thinks she'll go for it with a sufficiently generous wedding present."


"Is having a terrible personality genetic?" asks the historian.


"I don't know. Might depend on the kind of terrible personality - mental illness is, being spoiled and selfish probably isn't -"


"Which kind is this?" asks Shasali.


"I have never actually met the girl. I can ask."


"You do this all the time?" asks the statistician. "I'm so glad I didn't go blue."

"It's not for everyone," says Shasali.


"I personally planned a life doing none of this! But sometimes things need to get done even if the mechanisms for getting them done are stupid."


"Well, I'll pay up, I don't super need it -"

"Could have the kid earlier but we can just have one the year after -"


"Thank you."


"You're welcome."


And she asks Aitim what exactly is wrong with favored great-granddaughter (spoiled, financially irresponsible, selfish, healthy and intelligent as far as he knows) and asks the ex-red real estate blues if any of them want an introduction.


Sure, this one will give her a shot. "I used to take talking to social workers duty."


Snort. "Aitim says you want to go down to this outrageously expensive seaside resort in Kotala and wait until someone starts shrieking at the bartender that they'd better double her credit do they know who she is and then wave the bartender over and settle the bill. True love!"


"That's awfully specific, but all right."


"I very much doubt it will work out exactly like that but - uh, right genre."


"Can I get a picture, in case there are multiple such women about -"


Picture. She's at least very pretty; royal-blue hair and a brilliant smile and lovely features.


"Shiny," he says. "Is she likely to mind my boyfriend, we're a bit on the rocks anyway but I'd just as soon not dump him - he's married elsewhere, it's a side thing -"


"I doubt it. Presuming you're, like, symmetrical about that kind of thing and all -"


"Oh, sure."


"Then you're probably fine - good luck -"


"Thanks!" And he goes.


Outrageously expensive seaside resort in Kotala is outrageously expensive. It's either formally or informally blues-only as guests but about half the women and a quarter of the men at the bar are grey. Some hit on him. 

Sani Alamet is not shrieking at anyone about her credit limit when he sees her but she has an earpiece in and is complaining over the phone to somebody about something and when the other person hangs up she rather smacks her maid with her bags, shoos three greys from a table, and orders a pricy drink.


Hait declines the hittings-upon of the greys and sits at the bar and says he'd like to pay for her drink, let her know, please.

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