Maitimo wakes up.
The room is littered with forensic conjurations of people and notes and wands and books and planets. In the room is Ms. Chua, and a black-winged demon. Looks too straightforwardly Asian to be naturally occurring.
"May as well harness it now. Soon enough there won't be huge numbers of orphaned Godspring children either. And it might improve treatment of daeva on Revelation if they had to wait an hour for a new random and were incentivized to find long term arrangements that work for their summonees."
"Yeah. All right, we can get to interviewing would-be parents."
"We should also communicate in the daeva realms that if someone ends up trapped or mistreated taking summons, they or someone who notices they're missing can write us and we'll get them immediately released and, if it's outside Revelation, their kidnapper sanctioned."
"We should at least do our best to make something this economically disruptive gradual."
Nod. "The interviews'll take a few months, we can do the rollout after that."
"I suspect Bella's parents will put up with staying in Milliways that long."
There are plenty of daeva left who want kids and, given childcare assistance, would take several hours a day of being summoned and dismissed to get them.
A fairy writes in that his friend took a specific summons after dinner the other day and still isn't back.
"File a police report for when the two weeks are up and bring him coffee in the meantime, we're trying not to make the governments of Revelation feel like they've got a bunch of magic vigilantes running around."
He flies by to bring the fairy coffee. "The cops won't make them send you home for two weeks. I'm sorry."
"Friend of yours in Fairyland wrote asking after you. This happened to me a couple months ago and it was horrible so I thought I'd come let you know you're not stuck here forever and make you stuff if you wanted."