evening is forked
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Okay, getting Godspring people medical care in Revelation doesn't work. Maybe the Milliways infirmary can handle them. If people try to make their sick little babies summoners there're going to be a lot of annoyed daeva around but maybe it's still worth it. - if they're willing to do it with the bindings Cam described he can send the daeva back home through portals and the bindings can avoid restricting their activities back home.


Revelation is willing to send some doctors to make necessary house calls once the need is advertised. Maybe daeva who don't want to make a habit of taking summonses could be specifically summoned for this purpose.


He'll put out an announcement in Hell, promise lots of magic stuff. Plus, like, save a baby! Hopefully some people will be delighted to save a baby.


There are some takers. Godspring has more sick babies than that but maybe some of them will figure out how to send their daeva back. Like, maybe the daeva could be really annoying to the toddlers, or something.


When his summoner is recovered he will try giving her toys and then taking them away and hissing.


"Give back give back!" she shrieks.


"No I won't. I'll take all your toys!"




"You should make me go away."


"You have my dolly!" she shrieks.


"And you can't have it back until I go away."


"Give back give back is mine! MOMMY!"

"Better make him go home, Vissi, concentrate real hard!"

"But he HAS my DOLLY!"

"- I think she thinks you'd bring it back to Hell -"


- if he puts the doll down and blocks her from getting to it?


"Go 'way go 'way go 'WAYYYYY!"

And Hell.


Yup! Does he want to be on the summoned by sick babies list for more fun with playing keepaway of dolls?


No, actually. Most of the fun of summoning is getting languages.


Oh well. He can get more languages, Godspring has tons.



Mirelótë comes downstairs with Bella on her shoulders. "Bella has now spent about a twelfth of her subjective childhood here and however accessible her mother it would be intractable to get her father too if we tried not to be noticed; he lives far away from her door. Do we have the wherewithal to get on her world now?"


"I think the main barrier was summoning response times and they've improved now that everyone in Godspring's had a chance - better if we could pull some clever way of making the daeva realms faster than Godspring and Revelation -"


"Godspring we can pause, the Ardas we can pause, but I don't want to do that for too long, the daeva currently there ought to be able to have reasonably stable expectations about how long it's been back home."


"Could Godspring switch entirely over to summoning known dead people, perhaps repeatedly, soon? Is Revelation showing signs of that?"


"Soon as in a Year, sure. Not sooner than that, people's relatives mostly don't want to be dismissed and there aren't that many yet."


"What Revelation's mostly showing signs of is an uptick in demand because now people are motivated to become summoners. Some of them have grabbed their grandparents and so on, but mostly not in the capacities for which they summon daeva for tasks..."

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