evening is forked
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"It's not important for the immortality it's important for me to be allowed to leave the circle. We could agree, say, that I make you things you want and can also make myself things for convenience while I'm stuck here, and in exchange you pay me by, I don't know, telling me a good place to go sightseeing."


"...I've never been more than fifteen miles from here."


"It doesn't have to be that, it can kind of be anything. Shouldn't promise something you don't have, that's not safe, but otherwise you're fine."


"...do you want a cup of soup?"


"Sure, I will trade you a cup of soup for the task I outlined, now she has to say 'yes' or 'deal' or 'okay' or something..."


"Vissi darling, tell the demon okay."

"No, demon go home!"

"The demon can go home if you concentrate, but for the meantime tell him it's okay if he makes stuff."



"Can I get you anything?"


"I think we're good for now, the other demon made us a lot of stuff." She gets him a cup of soup.


He has his soup. He goes wandering.


Farm in the middle of fuckin' nowhere!


Not much to vlog about. He can practice Apparating with some better range.


Yes he can.


He can write Bright an annoyed note observing that lots of daeva would be provocable under this particular set of circumstances. 


He can spy on the weird cult in Canada some more. What exactly were they chanting in bad Sanskrit, how long have most of the members been members, how often do they summon daeva...


The Sanskrit was reaaaaaal bad but it seems to have been calling for him to be cleansed or something. Most people have been there less than two years. They don't summon often.


He wants to find people who left. Who was a cultist a year ago? (Well, who was in the cult compound in robes, he can't search by 'is a cultist'.) Of those, which ones are elsewhere now?


They've had five people's worth of attrition.


Any of them write anything interesting after leaving?


There's a blog post about what deprogramming is like!


- sure, that's a start. Any mention of what the cult actually believed or how it recruits or whatever?


Well, they seem to have invested an inappropriate amount of awe in their leader.


This is not super informative. 


That guy who got fired from the GCP for having two brain cells to rub together, how about him, what's he up to?


Martian Café Frequenter is at home with relatives somewhere snowy!


Maybe it's an Earth holiday or something. He reads a book. He pulls up all of the recommended bindings from that safe bindings organization and tries to pick holes in them.


They're mostly pretty good. Conservative where they aren't precise. There are a lot of warnings to use preprints rather than handwrite in a way that suggests that a lot of people ignore them.


That's stupid of them. Maybe he can stream a vlog episode about safe bindings, where people submit some and he explains what could go wrong. But Revelation is mostly too paranoid about summoning as it stands. 

After a day he goes back.

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