evening is forked
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Yeah. If it seems like the baby was neglected it's just desperate poverty. So they know.


Who's having desperate poverty? People aren't supposed to have that any more.


No they are not. But this family's from Godspring.


...how'd they get here? Has this baby been in a ship for ten days, she has clear evidence of the outdoors in her hair and not fixing that during ten days on a ship is not good. (The doctors aren't asking this; this is some kind of social worker in between questions about how Vissi's appetite is and so on.)


There's a portal for emergencies and he has some contacts and convinced them this counted as an emergency.


Okay, should they be expecting more impoverished toddlers? Wow, she has not had like any immunizations has she.


She has not. Godspring is training their own doctors but if Revelation hospitals could help in the interim that'd probably be great, he will write the Elves coordinating things and inquire about that. (He does so.)


Well, they have some capacity to spare at least till flu season.


It's probably worth looking into. Do they know what's wrong with the baby?


They have no idea but they can break the fever and get some fluids into her and correct all these vitamin deficiencies, anyway.


That's good. Is she likely to die or anything.


Not today!


When no further translating is required he'd like to sit down somewhere out of the way with internet, is that feasible.


Yes, the visitors' waiting area is available and he's allowed to be that far from his summoner.


He'll answer viewer questions, then. Answering viewer questions is always fun.


What's he been up to? How are his brothers? Is his girlfriend going to be on the show ever? How did he first get involved with all the other worlds stuff? Why is some teenager's vlog the best source of information on all the other worlds stuff?


Taking summons, mostly. Lobbying against escort laws in the EU. He doesn't know if Miranda wants to be on the show, she's pretty busy. His brother Timothy ran into a demon and thought a demon would be super useful for ending slavery and stuff and so promptly seduced him and the demon knew the Elves and the Elves were very upset about death and it grew from there. Daeva know lots about the multiverse because summons take you to Godspring and Arda as often as to Revelation, most daeva just don't have arrangements so they can vlog about it. He's kind of surprised there haven't been more reporters and tourists going to visit the Elves though.


Well, how are they supposed to do that? (Also, how do you seduce daeva, asking for a friend.)


"Some company would have to ask a demon for some lightleapers and then train some people to pilot them and then fly it. And Timothy could probably seduce anyone he wanted - unless they were a girl, he's hilariously terrible at girls - but I think he did it in this case with dramatic monologues. Michael seduced his demon girlfriend by trading her whatever she wanted for all of the music in the world, I do not recommend that method at all."


Train them to pilot them with what training materials?


"Conjured with the ship, or ask the Elves? They have Elf embassies places these days."


Presumably the training materials would be in Elvish. You can show up to embassies and ask to learn to pilot spaceships? That's an unconventional use of an embassy.


"I bet it'd work but I haven't tried it. English-Quenya machine translation's excellent, really large corpus on both ends, but I could try to translate things for you."


Somebody goes to the Chinese Elf embassy and asks to be taught to pilot lightleapers.


Yeah, sure! You are supposed to have a crew of four, two on-duty at all times. The computer does almost everything, honestly, but they found that when people were alerted to situations the computer couldn't handle they were inattentive and failed to handle it in time, so now there are thoroughly engrossing things to do all of the time though they only affect the trajectory of the ship should there be problems with the computer systems. Here's a six-month course and a simulator to practice in!

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