The Valar announce that they've done as much as they can in Singularity (they can't bring back peoples' babies in that critical period either, but they can get them earlier versions) and are setting up portals between there and Sanity as soon as they are confident they've cleaned up the plague. A bunch of Elf architects have this wild idea for a fivedimensional city where alternating intersections are interdimensional portals between various Valinors and they get eagerly to setting it up.
"It means that the distinction you are trying to draw is stupid and doesn't matter. Because everything that would matter if it changed is possible to notice."
She sighs. "Well, I suppose that at least means my magical zombie won't harm my family."
"You will continue caring about all the same things. I guess you might lose this specific opinion of yours but maybe not, who knows."
"And the darkfolk downslope want this to happen to them, that explains it."
"Okay, people like knowing that when they die they will wake up safe and cozy with magic powers, and can promptly come back home and hug their kids and kiss their wives!"
"Okay, so - Elves can make copies of themselves. Like, one minute there's one of them, the next one there's two. And they don't go 'somebody woke up thinking they were me', they just go - okay, what makes me myself? My memories, my experiences, my wants, my relationships - all of those are still there. Therefore my copy is a version of me."
"And a minute ago you didn't know what a fork was, is it possible that your off-the-cuff first impressions on these questions are not a reliable guide to the way complicated things work?"
"Elves can also die and be resurrected that way. Look, the understanding of 'person' you're using just doesn't capture anything anyone actually cares about. That doesn't make them delusional."
"The known multiverse has a population of several hundred billion and you're actually the first 'physical continuity with past selves matters' person I've heard of. - how much physical continuity do you consider necessary, if someone gets a leg amputated and I make them a new one, are they a zombie or not yet - what if they lose several limbs - what if they need an organ transplant -"
"Well, their leg isn't their old leg, it'd be like walking with a cane - don't know what you mean about an organ transplant -"
"The heartbeat is how you tell someone is alive, and the eyes are how you tell they're at home in their body."
" - okay. So if you had a different way to tell if someone was alive? What happens if someone is blinded in an accident?"
"Uh, that's fucked up. They - seriously don't need to do that. What if I get an angel to fix their eyes, angels don't make new stuff, it'd just be healing their existing eyes..."