The Valar announce that they've done as much as they can in Singularity (they can't bring back peoples' babies in that critical period either, but they can get them earlier versions) and are setting up portals between there and Sanity as soon as they are confident they've cleaned up the plague. A bunch of Elf architects have this wild idea for a fivedimensional city where alternating intersections are interdimensional portals between various Valinors and they get eagerly to setting it up.
People are curious about Elves, who have been in the news in that "they're interesting but not doing anything much" way.
"They're great. Don't gag demons, for one thing. Uh, they have faster-than-light travel, I don't know if anyone's asked demons to make lightleapers for you yet but we can do that and then you can go visit them yourselves. They live forever, and can be resurrected, because they have these chips in their brains backing them up. Their cities are really really shiny. They're ridiculously good singers, you can ask demons for Elf music too."
There is an uptick in asking demons for Elf music and several lightleaping-related projects.
Cool! He will bother a Maitimo to come make an appearance on his channel. Bright does it, talks about the clinics the Elves are managing in Godspring, supplied by demon adoptive parents.
Demons are probably bad parents because they don't understand humans, and may take the children's souls, and will probably spoil them with too much candy or something, and will expect them to be indestructible and the kids will be sad they can't fly.
Demons: still can't take souls. There've been fairies raising kids on Mars for a long time and none of the other problems have especially arisen.
Fairies can't materialize candy on short notice! says the person who is worried about spoiled children.
And buying candy substantially reduces the risk of spoiled children? Honestly Minor is kind of down on the whole 'spoiled children' thing because where he's from people said this to complain about people who spanked their children barehanded instead of with a rod.
Everyone in the comments is HORRIFIED. His comments section is now Child Abuse Discourse.
Yeah, Minor's world of origin is a bit behind the times. And he doesn't think that all of its children should be taken away and raised in Revelation.
What discourse even is there about slavery? It's horrible and Hazel will have to stop it immediately.
People mostly differ on how abruptly and violently they should be forced to stop it.
In Godspring they bought everyone out and then went around with demons drugging people who still hadn't released their slaves. There were a couple hundred deaths across the whole world, he thinks, and all but two had an afterlife. He thinks the Elves think they erred on the side of being too slow.
This seems like a good occasion to tell the story of how Alatess decided the Elves were going too slow and recruited a former leader of a slave uprising and equipped him and nearly caused a war but got a lot of slaves freed immediately., she just equipped Clerus and then supplied them while they were hiding out in a cave system. Are people just incapable of believing that demons might object to slavery for the same reasons they do?
... it is universally understood that sometimes when there's an unsafe binding or a emergency summons demons do not do any horrible things, right? What is the prevailing theory for why that is?
The demons don't always notice loopholes and sometimes they're scared of the GCP or waiting for a better opportunity.