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Off she goes.


He picks another country to roll out summoning in. This time he has the demons who want babies hold Elf babies for a couple hours first and get instructions on baby care, as well as a run-down of the sort of questions people called in to the help line with and a warning about orphanages being upsetting. Dots are installed with security fairies from the get-go. 


Elf babies are cuter and easier than human ones so it's sort of a letdown. The instructions are good though. Security fairies cut down on problems.


This whole world is going to have summoning by the end of the year if he can possibly make it happen. Another country. He shops around for unusually ugly and difficult babies so the demons don't have raised expectations.


It's sort of hard to get people to acknowledge when their babies are ugly.


Yeah. He ends up having to go with 'have a lot of character and are therefore good practice for demons'.


Demons for the next country hold babies with a lot of character. They are less disappointed by their human children.


Does it also help to mention offhand that Elf babies take five hundred years to grow up but that these kids will be grown in eighteen.


...wow, these demons all like kids but five hundred years is too long.


Yeah, exactly! Human babies grow up at a much more sensible rate. 


Other countries do not have less depressing orphanages. 

Some other countries have slavery more outright than Cefax's very neat contracts system. He has to explain to one demon that it would definitely be disruptive to her child to overthrow the government.


"I wasn't going to overthrow it entirely, I was just going to free all the slaves. The humans would be very pleased with me later on, like, uh, what's her name, Harriet Tubman."


"Yeah, I'm sure they would, but then all of the other countries would go 'oh no, if we allow summoning all our slaves would be freed' and then they'd refuse to allow summoning at all and their people would continue starving in famines and being dead forever when they die. Once there's summoning everywhere then we will buy out all the slaveowners and I am sure the slaves will be totally delighted with you if you make them a new place to live and food while they're getting adjusted."


"...can I free slaves in the next country over, that I'm not living in? So it's not 'cause they allowed summoning?"


"How are you planning on freeing the slaves?"


"I can fly a helicopter!"


"They might not get in the helicopter, because they don't know where you're taking them and whether it'll be any better than where they're leaving from - you don't speak the language. They might not get in the helicopter because they expect their slaveowners to get them back and be really angry, or because they are scared the helicopter will fall out of the sky, or because they have family they don't want to leave behind. And where would you take them to?"


"I could make an island..."


"It'd have to be a big island, there are a lot of slaves. Might raise sea levels and drown a lot of people living in low-lying areas. What we could do instead is have a portal from here to another planet that can take immigrants. Endorë might be able to absorb them."


"That'd work too, sure."


"But I think the slaves might really rather be freed and legally permitted to keep living in their own country, instead of spirited away to an island, which is why buying them out might be yet more convenient."


"I wouldn't want to live in a country where I'd had to be a slave."


"If they want to leave they will of course have the chance. A helicopter without being informed that they're going to be freed either way is just not a good way to give them that chance."


"I wasn't going to drag them."


"I know. But how were you going to tell them 'if you don't come we're going to buy you out in a year or so'? What are you going to do if someone shoots the helicopters down with some kind of mage, or summons a fairy to do it, because they think this country is attacking them?"


"Fine, no helicopter."

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