Downstairs the door opens and in walks a six year old girl with a weird animal.
"Thank you. You're right to want them free. We'll make it happen."
He compliments the cuteness of her baby. He listens to a skip-sleep song. He moves on to the next dot.
The Valar practice making gravity funny such that everything continues falling downwards at exactly the right speed when Angband is fed into a black hole. It takes three tries, but they get it.
The Sanity Valar ask nicely if they are very very sure they've got it or if they should try some more. They are very sure but agree to try some more. A random chunk of Lake Mithrim temporarily experiences a tenth of normal gravity but otherwise it goes okay.
The tries after that go smoothly.
Eventually they really are sure. They could do Midnight's Arda before Kib's? Midnight's does not have the additional complication of humans in Angband.
It's a complication with the aftermath. Or sooner if they decide to intervene, which doesn't seem entirely in character, but -
Kib's Arda it is. They need Cam, a soul Elf and a fairy.
There are billions of fairies to choose from and a bunch of Maitimos to go through the options. Treeleess from the Azkaban breakout is available now.
She'd be happy to. She has a taste for disassembling evil fortresses now, apparently.
Fantastic. There are lots of evil fortresses to disassemble.
They go in through the portals to Kib's birth world and then the Arda. He loans her his eyes.
Angband starts disassembling.
She wants to grab all the humans at once before anybody can tell they're being specifically targeted.
No one has any idea what's going on but Sauron does immediately blanket the place in darkness.
She can't be nearly as precise working blind with a model to look at but Cam makes models, big enough that Midnight can see where the humans are, and Treeleess scoops out largish amounts of fortress around them in case she's off a few feet, and zooms them out of the darkness.
It's so neat and scoopy.
Cam breathes again.
Treeleess puts all the humans in one place so Cam can make a little shuttle around them, and then they can go find the local Noldor.