Minor summons murderfairy
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"Does Miranda know everything's good -"


"Came here first. Where is she, did she come down to get de-aged?"


"Yeah she did. That was a while ago - well, while ago for me -"


Hug. "I should find her then."




And Cam goes and finds his alt and tells her that everything is fine except she has a conflict of interest relative to the forthcoming war crime court design.


And the local Maitimo puts the kids to bed (early: they eye him suspiciously) and reads the notice from the Valar, sent out to a few dozen people who ought to be apprised of these things:

Urgent announcement: there are alternate dimensions. There are 'more than an octillion' of them. There is at least one, fairly capricious, means of travelling between them: an interdimensional bar called Milliways, which occasionally opens its door to people in random worlds. Someone from one such world found the bar, searched through its catalogue of all published works anywhere to find a well-governed dimension, and forked someone from here (with permission of an alternate universe version of the same person) to force the door of the bar here so we could help them. 

There are other worlds like ours, except Melkor was paroled and is loose again causing havoc. In the world the petitioner was from, Valinor was destroyed with everyone on it; we are exploring how best to restore it. We are seeking assistance with planning and preparing for immigration from other worlds, developing a system for justice and rehabilitation to deal with people who committed serious war crimes but are safe to contain, and providing other forms of aid to other worlds. Please review and revise for publication.


He checks to make sure everyone was copied who should see this - yep -


"- Dear, did you get this -?"


" - haven't been online, what -"


"Apparently there are more than an octillion other worlds."


" - wow." Flick-flick. "Oh, no."


"It is not exactly good news but it is good that we got the news."


" - yeah - and vaguely flattering that a search through an octillion worlds for a competently governed one turned us up - even if one presumed they were not literally all evaluated for suitability -"


"Yes, going through that many would probably be hard, although it doesn't say how they were searched..."


"Is someone editing this for dissemination or should we do that - aid, immigration, and war crimes trials, do you think the Valar are having silly priorities again or is it that bad out there -"


"Says to review and revise for publication, no one has said they'll take point on that yet. I really thought they were done having silly priorities, but somebody paroling Melkor, apparently without enough security on him..."


Shudder. "One assumes it was underestimating what qualified as sufficient security, which - I could see them having done that - Valinor destroyed with everyone on it isn't something I would have guessed was in his repertoire - maybe we should go ask some clarifications, just to be very sure they are not neglecting something like 'more security for our Melkor' if it's needed -"


"Our Melkor. Yes, let's see if we can find out what's going on in more detail."


"Called a shuttle. An octillion worlds - how many Melkors, do you think -"


"Suppose that depends on how much variance there is. Maybe not too many, maybe most of the worlds are full of nothing but stars and rocks and coral, but..."




"I am glad we waited on children."


"Yes. What if they wanted to go see Endorë without spending two and a half Years on a ship each way indeed -"


This gets a giggle out of him. "Fëanáro thinks he has that one all but sorted, too - presumably now he is tossing it aside to figure out this - though it might be useful, really, if we're taking immigrants we'll want to settle more worlds -"


"Maybe one of the other octillion worlds has something we can copy. Do you suppose Fëanáro will be disappointed, if they have..."


"- wonder if there are other hims, if there are other Melkors. If so we can just go bother one in a world where it's 4000 or something -"

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