"That he was forked from before copy protections were put in place on the chips, by someone with the power to make arbitrary material objects from an alternate dimension where this power is possessed by many but the art of using it to create living minds is a secret; that there are many worlds, most of them in desperate need, some of them incompetently governed and with Melkor loose and doing harm, many with sapients which grow old and die inside ten Years, and that on finding a means of travelling between them and requesting works from distant ones, you identified ours as one equipped to help.
That in the course of one war in one such world, you made an agreement with Melkor to destroy the planet of Valinor and everyone on it in exchange for his binding oath to stop his crimes, and they were so ceased, and that among the things you are searching for is a means to return to life those who were lost in that bargain.
Is there anything else essential?"