Minor summons murderfairy
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"It might flag that but we are not unfamiliar with sarcasm."




"Is that consent to have a truth effect present?"


"If it is as described, yes."


"Thank you. The effect is in place. The sky is green. It functions as described." And indeed the lie rings as one, somehow.


That's nifty.

Awkward wingrustling. "I don't know how much Maitimo told you."


"That he was forked from before copy protections were put in place on the chips, by someone with the power to make arbitrary material objects from an alternate dimension where this power is possessed by many but the art of using it to create living minds is a secret; that there are many worlds, most of them in desperate need, some of them incompetently governed and with Melkor loose and doing harm, many with sapients which grow old and die inside ten Years, and that on finding a means of travelling between them and requesting works from distant ones, you identified ours as one equipped to help.

That in the course of one war in one such world, you made an agreement with Melkor to destroy the planet of Valinor and everyone on it in exchange for his binding oath to stop his crimes, and they were so ceased, and that among the things you are searching for is a means to return to life those who were lost in that bargain. 

Is there anything else essential?"


"Uh, people other than Melkor have multiple instances and one of Maitimo's was on board with the forking. Other than that yes that's the outline."


"All right. We have many questions, and imagine you do as well; would you prefer to ask yours first?"


"- no, go ahead."


"Can you give us a complete account of how you arrived in an Arda and became involved in its war, up through its current situation?"


"If I consult my notes to make sure I have it in order will even the parts that are written in Quenya go unread?"


So he pulls out his computer and gives some rather spare context on summoning - but he would feel vaguely disloyal to Timothy if he didn't give at least half a sentence to the character defense afforded by the whole 'being Revelation' thing so he includes a first person pronoun when explaining how it came to be commonplace where he's from - and then there's the part where he appeared and it seems to have been a fluke and Alqualondë had just happened and the Doom had been issued here's the text here's the transcript of his conversation with those Valar about quarantining it and then he dropped the library of Hell on Valinor because he wasn't paranoid enough about enemy access to information. Filled out the fleet, filled up the ships. Here's his due diligence on identifying the correct side of the war and the refugee planet and making stuff and identifying the escalation problem. Parley and kidnapping orcs to interview and putting them on a planetoid and suicide triggers and less conservative suicide triggers and the initial offer and the poisoned chip and the tests on osanwë-blockage and conjuration-oath-verification and and and and.

Here's the part where there were suddenly fifty-four million fewer reasons not to take the offer if he could get it exactly right here are all the notes on getting it exactly right here is the exactly right wording they got out of him in the end -

- and then he made them new stars and a new planet and fetched help to orient everybody and it's not good enough the planet has decay and he couldn't get all the fetuses and the animals are fucked up and the Maiar are a complete loss and he's not even done with the Elves and that's when he found this door -


Nienna is weeping. The other two are listening quietly, or looking through the wording, and nodding. 


"Thank you for the explanation," Aulë says. "And thank you for coming here."

"We expect that we can fix it," Varda says. 



"Thank you."


"Maitimo said also that you had some reservations about seeking external help, in case they changed summoning?"


"Even if the external help didn't do that themselves, restoring the Valar from that Arda might do it, since they interdicted it the once in response to my appearance. Summoning has worked since they died."


"Are there other, similar concerns?"


"That's the major one. The Doom is no longer evident on the affected chips according to my machine learning algorithm as of when those Valar died and reviving them might put it back. I was very reassured to be told that you don't execute people - the other Arda we turned up where Melkor didn't get pardoned had Valar who really really liked executing people - but I don't relish the possibility of nonfatal constraints on my behavior either. I'm not sure what else might count as similar."


"Other things the local Valar were doing incompetently and might resume doing incompetently if everything were straightforwardly put back?"


"Their other glaring incompetence was 'not doing anything about the war' which was in itself unaffected by their demise, but according to my reading they did have other deficiencies in governance that you don't seem to."


"Thank you. We are currently checking which of our abilities work in Milliways, and should not infer that will be the same as which ones work in other dimensions, and really need to determine why the alternate universe versions of us are so - inadequate - before making confident guesses about the best way to nondisruptively restore them and their world. Are there other resources available towards that end which you could recommend us?"


"...Bar is good at recommending books. If you can make the guy on duty in the security office sufficiently immortal he can time travel."


Aulë looks outright gleeful at that. 

"Probably shouldn't fix it that way, though, not if it's been months," Nienna murmurs.

"Oh, I know. We should probably draw up rules about use of time travel, actually, that sounds ethically complicated."

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