Minor summons murderfairy
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"I'm very curious to see the magic bar!"


"Of course you are! Stars guide you both."


"Thank you very much."

And off they go. "We should stop and look in on the Maitimo fork, if nothing else to hug him and give him the outline of my notes on what's been going on since his fork date."


"We really should. Poor kid - 1370 - I think he'd probably have given consent even fully informed, but because with loose Melkors in the plural there aren't things that aren't worth it, not because he'd be okay - can you imagine waking up to find it's a yení later and we had the children -"


"I can imagine that. And, yes, it's worth it but I wish they'd landed on someone without that particular issue - even just married and without children would be bad, honestly, missing all that context, although come to think of it I think we could probably pull off a three person arrangement if it came up, seems maybe less tractable for Maitimo -"


Giggle. "I think you'd date a you quite nicely. I doubt he's asked his alt how they want to navigate that, not yet - were they even dating in 1370 -"


"I'd have to look it up. No, I fully expect their arrangement to remain awkwardly unhandled for at least a Year while they're all making themselves busier than they need to be to avoid discussing it."


"That sounds about right. Though, to be fair, there's plenty to occupy oneself with even if one isn't manufacturing distractions."


"I didn't say they'd have to try very hard to be busier than they have to be."


"It sounds like they possibly should not be taking point on war crimes but that leaves plenty ongoing."


"It's possible some people are just dispositionally incapable of war crimes no matter where you put them, but we'll have to sort through more than an octillion worlds to be sure of anyone being one of those. Probably people should recuse themselves from trials concerning their own alts if possible, but an octillion is a lot."


Nod. "And, truth be told - I might. Destroy Valinor to stop him. If you were sure enough -"


Nod, nod.


It's a long flight. Maitimo sends them some books from Milliways on daeva and humans and human societies and human history.


Human history is fascinatingly hideous.


...yeah. "Wow. I guess - they're all so young -"


"Young, short on hope, all alone starting from nothing and dragging themselves up."


"And dead before they have a chance to see any of it."


"At least the long term effects. Poor things."


"When there's no other magic system complicating things it'd do a lot of good to teach summoning, even with, well, the risks -"


"Sounds like it. Give at least some of them a do-over with better safety standards and more time. At least make sure they can eat, my word..."


"Yeah. So many worlds -"


"The scope of it is a bit intimidating."


Hug. "And we have all the time in the world but they don't."



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