After Cam's magic but still basically human boyfriend has fallen asleep and Cam finds he is not tired enough to do the same, Cam goes downstairs.
"He knows Aulë better than us so if he were to tell him it'd be because he thought it was warranted even given our reservations - which, I take it, come down to 'an alternate universe version of the Valar did a mind control thing and paroled Melkor, and it's unknown where he stood on both these things?"
"And interdicted summoning and did not do anything about it when Melkor violated parole, yes."
"I think you should fetch the Valar and get them to fix it, I think you should have done it immediately, and he will agree with me. He will agree with his alt, if they get the chance to talk. He will probably respect your decision not to do that anyway, but..."
"- he keeps running into tidbits of stuff he doesn't understand and it's freaking him out."
"Last I knew he was in the back yard getting some of the chip Elves to help him learn to read but he may've wandered elsewhere since."
"Soul Elves are from a flat planet on which Valinor and Endorë are continents. They have magical powers which might get them to Vala-quality power in as little as two thousand years. They are unwilling to have Tiny Maitimo's maternal grandfather miss his childhood and suspect said grandfather would notify Aulë if he found out about all this."
"That's a ridiculous amount of time even so. I am sure we'll come up with something better in two thousand years. Anyway, kiddo doesn't need to see Grandpa in, like, the next five years, right, that's like breakfasttime to an Elf, so we're set for the time being?"
"Maybe. Oh, and they're postponing more kids till omnipotence. It would apparently be irresponsible not to. ...Chip Nerdanel thinks we should have called in the Valar straight away."