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Pirates and Evenstar join a VRMMO in the Troubleverse
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Hyacinth reaches for her meditation, and pushes the world away for a moment. 

Her body fades away a little as her senses turn inward.


In the center of her mind, another girl who wears her face is sitting cross-legged in the void and giving her a very smug look.


<... can you talk...?>



Her duplicate smiles and nods, but doesn't say anything for a long moment. 


<I was ... think ... never notice.> 


Hyacinth focuses harder.

<Could you repeat that?>


<I was beginning to think you'd never notice.>


The other her's mindvoice is faint, but she can pick it out now. It's clear enough to be heard. 

<Who are you?>


<Your twin, maybe? You know me, we grew up together. Please don't be scared.>


<Do you mind if I stop and relay to Hailey.>


<not at all>


Hyacinth floats up out of her trance, and takes a deep breath. 

"She's there. She's really there. I — had a short conversation with her. She told me not to worry. Called herself my twin."


Hailey grabs Hyacinth tightly in a hug and squeezes her. "Awesome! Congrats! Go tell her hi from me."


Hyacinth exhales a little laugh, and hugs Hailey back for a moment. Then she turns her focus inward again. 

<Hailey says hi.>


<Hi Hailey>


"She says hi back."


Her grin widens. "Hey twinsie, you got a name? Or want one?"


There's a moment of confusion, and then —

"You can call me Hibiscus."


"Well hello, Hibiscus. Good to meet ya. Welcome to the brave new world of acknowledged plurality."


"I know, right? It's like having one person in one head is going out of style or something." Hibiscus grins and rolls her shoulders. "Great to meet you, Hailey."


"So, tell me about yourself. What makes this pretty flower different from the other pretty flower?"


"Hmmm, let me see. Thing number one, I'm a domme. We didn't lie that you took our virginity, but there's... a certain amount of wiggle room in that statement depending on how you count sexting. Always as a girl, naturally. We just were never confident enough to actually take the plunge and incarnate in a girl body. What if it was terrible. What if our friends found out. This kind of bullshit. Having seen it and done it, god were we ever missing out."


"I have a sex education manga collection that would make a member of the patriot church faint, or better yet, get a clue. I've practiced giving blowjobs on toys. I've got a whole collection of lingerie my parents don't know I own. My favorite piece is a light blue corset that's starting to fall apart now. I used to wear it to university under a t-shirt." 

Hibiscus raises her eyebrows. "Like, when Hyacinth says we're a sex freak, she means it. We've worn toys beneath our clothes in public once or twice. For a virgin we are off the fucking charts when it comes to kinkiness. You've already seen how strong our libido is what with Sable going two rounds with us in two days, and we plan to make that a habit. You're worth holding on to, and worth having fun with — and Hyacinth would make sure to add, "worth being intimate with", but that's less of a priority to me to be honest. I've considered on occasion that I might be legitimately hypersexual before, so, like. It's a whole fun time." 


She coughs. "That is to say, I'm still in love with you. But it's been two days. It's going to take more than good sex and a listening ear to catch me for good, even if you are a wonderful partner. We're inexperienced, and we know how first relationships tend to go, so if y'all aren't here in a year we'll pick ourselves up and keep going. The fact you're open to polyamory and also plural are huge pluses to me, to be honest. I can't really see myself in a single relationship, I'm a little too sexually omnivorous for that. Any single partner is unlikely to have the range and variety in preferred kinks to give me a well-balanced diet, you know?" 


"I could be Sable's well-balanced diet if she wants, though." 


Hailey cackles. "Sable is blushing up a storm right now. Direct fucking hit."

She grins and nods. "So we're not just poly, Sable is obligate poly. If someone tries to tie her down and be her only, it will end in tears when she inevitably catches feelings for another person. Also, we seem to be incapable of romantic jealousy entirely, so if our eventual tank winds up being a sweetheart and you fall for her, we'll just be delighted and flirt with her as well — assuming Sable hadn't fallen for her already. So I think that aspect will go fine, on top of the benefits of our being plural and having a variety of different kinks."

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