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Pirates and Evenstar join a VRMMO in the Troubleverse
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Hyacinth smiles and squeezes back.

"Alright," she says after a little while. "Let's go have a proper supper."


Jorem greets them warmly when they get downstairs, and says he'll have a plate of shepherd's pie out for each of them shortly. The inn is comparatively crowded tonight, people scattered across all the tables and the bar, some of them even in adventurer garb.


For example, there's this slightly-femme catboy dressed in black leather with a bandolier of knives across his chest. He's eating quietly by himself in a corner of the room.


He's kinda hot, NGL, but also he's an obvious total noob. It's the classic "shady dude in the corner" character every guy who thinks they're cool makes before they smarten up a bit. She has been there. 

The cat ears kind of spoil the effect though, so maybe he's got a sense of humor. She knows most real edgelords would probably take Darkling if they weren't just boring old humans.


"Hmm. Boy with the knives looks promising," Sable murmurs. "Want me to invite him over?"


He does seem the kind of person to have died already a couple times, fighting solo in close with knives like that. 

"Sure, go ahead."


Sable walks over to the corner table the catboy's eating at. "Hi there," she greets with a warm grin. "Any chance my girlfriend and I could pick your brain about a few facts of Blessed life?"


He looks up from his pie and gives Sable an assessing look. 

"Sure," he says. "Hit me."


"Come on over to our table then, I'll buy you a drink. What're you having?"


"I'll take an ale if you're offering." He gets up from his place, bringing his plate of shepherd's pie along. "The name's Cocoa, by the way."


"I'm Sable," she replies. As they get back to the table, she introduces him. "Cocoa, meet my girlfriend, Hyacinth. Sin, this is Cocoa. I'll be right back with an ale for him. You want anything, love?"


"I think I'll take a water to wash down my pie with."

She looks over at Cocoa and nods to him. "Nice to meet you, Cocoa. Have you been questing here for long?"


"A few levels. Practicing my knife throwing mostly. Are you two looking for a party member?"


"Not precisely, no. More just looking for some local knowledge. Directions to the nearest city kind of thing. If you know any LGBT-friendly guilds I'd love to hear about them too." 


"The closest city is Cordova, to the east. About two days' hike out. I've heard there's some LGBT guilds there but the only one I know by name is Rainbow Paragons, which is a level one hundred plus raiding guild."


And then Sable comes back, setting drinks down in front of everyone. "Ale for you, Cocoa, and water for us two."

She sits down.


"So it sounds like we want to head east to Cordova, long term. There's a couple LGBT guilds there and we might be able to find one that fits us." 

She looks back at Cocoa. "Have you died yet? If so, what's it like?"


"Yeah, I've died a couple times. Got gored by a moose once. Wasn't fun." 

Cocoa accepts his drink from Sable and takes a swallow. "The pain cuts out fast once you know you're dead. You wake up elsewhere. For me it's this... study, full of old books and comfortable leather chairs. There's a woman there. She served me jasmine tea and talked with me. Helped me... sort my head out. She seemed nice, kind of like an older sister. I didn't get her name. I should really ask."


"And once she knows you're okay, she sends you back?"


"Yeah, pretty much. I liked her."


"And what, you just pop back up at the temple of ruin after that?"


"Yep. If you left any of your gear in the bush you're going to have a long hike back to get it, if you're even lucky enough to be able to find the spot again. It's been an issue with my throwing knives."


"Makes sense. Thanks. Hmm."


While Sable's thinking, Jorem comes out and delivers two plates of shepherd's pie. "Here you go, lasses. Enjoy."


"Thanks, Jorem."

She takes a bite contemplatively.

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