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Pirates and Evenstar join a VRMMO in the Troubleverse
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Hyacinth thanks Jorem as well, and has some shepherd's pie. 

"Mmm. I think that's all my immediate questions..." 

Hyacinth looks over at Sable and taps her lips softly.


"Say, where is the closest temple of ruin?"


"There's one in town, it's just down the street. Most towns have one."


"Alas, my secret plan to teleport to Cordova and save myself two days' walking has been foiled." Hyacinth jokes. "Convenient for combat training, though. Sable, would you like to try your luck against Cocoa here?"


She eyes Cocoa consideringly, then nods. "Yeah, that sounds like a fun time. Let's give it a shot once I finish eating. Is there a good place for a fight somewhere around here? Or do we just walk outside of town?"


"The locals tend to mislike it if you start fights with edged weapons inside the town, even if it's a friendly fight against another Blessed. Risk to bystanders. If there was a Blessed training hall out here it'd be another story, but this town's too small for a proper one."

Cocoa takes another forkful of pie. "Wouldn't mind a fight though, it'd be good training. Sparring rules? First blood? Or do you mean a serious one?"


"I mean a serious one," Sable confirms.


Cocoa considers for a long moment, then nods. "You're on. Loser has to pay for any necessary gear repairs. Don't worry, I don't own anything hugely expensive."


"Sounds good." She digs into her shepherd's pie.


Cocoa returns to his own pie, his ears twitching back and forth as he chews.


Paying a little for the privilege of Sable getting to meet this mysterious woman with a good excuse at hand is fine by her.

Sin digs into her own pie as well.


As she finishes off the pie, she stands and stretches. "Jorem's cooking is good as ever."

She drinks some more of her water.


"Yeah, definitely," Hyacinth chirps. "Shall we head out?" 


Cocoa knocks back the last of his ale and nods. "Sure. Let's move."

He gets up from the table as well.


Sin gets up as well, and the three of them head outside into the evening sunshine together.


"There's a nice bit of level ground just east of town we can use," Cocoa says. "I've camped there once or twice just to see the stars at night."


"Fun way to spend an evening." She follows Cocoa to the gates.


Cocoa waves casually to the guards as they pass, and then they're out. 

Despite the somewhat hilly terrain, the level area doesn't take long to get to. It's a small area in between two low hills with a couple scraggly bushes at either end. 

"Look good to you, Sable?" Cocoa looks over at his opponent.


"I've got no problem with it," Hyacinth says. She looks over at Sable.


"Works for me!" She draws her sword and stretches, limbering up for the fight.


Cocoa takes the other side of the clear space, and draws a pair of daggers from his bandolier. He lightly tests one of the edges with his thumb, then nods, satisfied.

"On three?"


"On three." She leans down just a bit, ready to lunge.


Hyacinth looks between the two fighters with a smile on her face. This is going to be so cool.


"Hyacinth, care to give us the countdown?"


"Right, yeah, sure."

She's done this a hundred times before in Realms of Dragons. She cradles her staff in the crook of one elbow and brings her hands together. 

"This is a death match between Cocoa and Sable. It will begin on the third clap of my hands. Wait for the signal..."

Hyacinth brings her hands apart, then together in three sharp claps. 

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